Acknowledging the faithfulness of God


Date:ย 12/03/2022

By:ย Owusu Clifford S.ย 

Title โ€“ย Acknowledging the faithfulness of God


ย And Your servant is in the midst of Your people whom You have chosen, a great people, too numerous to be numbered or counted. – 1st Kings 3:8


To gain access to anything in this world, keys are used. In the process of prayer, keys are used as well. To pray and pray effectively, and most importantly see results, we need to use keys. Some barriers need to be surmounted and closed doors that need opening, hence the need for keys. In todayโ€™s call to prayer, I will talk about one key that was used by Solomon in his prayer for wisdom from God.

Often, when we talk about Solomonโ€™s prayer for wisdom, we tend to focus on the thousand burnt offerings he offered to God. Undoubtedly, that was a key ingredient. However, when God gave Solomon the platform to ask whatever he wants, Solomon was very circumspect. He adopted a calculated approach in his request. Solomon did not jump straight into asking God for wisdom. One of the main ingredients of Solomonโ€™s prayer was that he acknowledged the faithfulness of God.

In our verse for today, Solomon emphasised that the people of God are too numerous to number. Does that ring a bell? That was the promise of God to Abraham in Genesis 15:5. God emphasised this promise several times to Abraham, to Isaac, and Jacob (Israel) as well. So, when Solomon said that the people of God are too numerous to number, he was in essence saying that God has been faithful to His word. Solomon acknowledged the faithfulness of God even before he made his request. Let us not forget that when David made the mistake and counted the people of Israel, he attracted curses upon the land (2nd Samuel 24). That tells us how much God meant His words to Abraham when he said He will give him descendants too numerous to count or number.

Dear friends, one of the things that move God to act on our behalf is when we acknowledge his faithfulness. Mostly, our prayers are not properly arranged. There is no structure to our prayers. The moment we come before God and thank him, which we even do wrongly in most cases, we jump straight into asking. One way of preparing and making ready to ask God for a new thing is acknowledging what He has done before and praising and thanking him for what you have.

Let us make it a point to acknowledge the faithfulness of God in our lives: our health, our peace, the lives of our loved ones, the church, the blessings of fellow believers, the souls that are being saved, and the many blessings that we often forget to acknowledge. Even the ability to drink water is a miracle in itself which requires acknowledgment. The bigger blessings we are waiting for will come, but as we wait on God for them, we should not forget to thank God for the other blessings. God is faithful and He does not change. Acknowledge his faithfulness and see Him move mightily in your life. God bless you!


Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers. Let us pray for the consciousness to acknowledge the numerous blessings of God in our lives whenever we pray.


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