Acts of Faith

Call to Prayer

Title: Acts of Faith

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 6.02.2023


”But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him”. (Hebrews 11:6).


Faith according to the Holy scriptures is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of the things not seen. Through the revelation of the same Scriptures we, therefore, obtain knowledge that the creation of all things was performed by acts of Faith, it gives us an insight that God himself is the author and personality of faith. The mode of activity as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned is strictly by Faith. It is noteworthy that faith itself is not just belief but also has obedience, hope, expectation, submission, and consistency as co-virtues to bring a glorified outcome of righteousness. When we critically examine the workings of all past saints and prophets, irrespective of their spiritual discipline and office of spiritual expertise, one thing was obviously constant, and that is faith.

It means that, for them to have greatly manipulated conditions, and systems with intention of revealing the sovereignty of the Almighty God, faith was their major weapon of such a breakthrough. As the scripture recorded that some quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, and waxed valiant in the fight, women received their dead raised back to life, others were tortured, and tormented, that they obtain a better resurrection; they had trial of cruel mocking, they were stoned, some were imprisoned, were tempted, they wandered in deserts in sheepskins and goatskins, some put in lions dens (Hebrews 11;34-37), of whom the world was not worthy. All the aforementioned distress they went through was because they truly believed that God is able to deliver them from their situation. It is interesting that the scripture says despite all of them in time past having a good report through faith, they received not the promise (Hebrews 11:39), what is that promise? it is Jesus Christ.

Now just imagine God has provided something betterย for us, that they without us should not be made perfect (Hebrews 11:40). We are expected to be the perfection of they that were before us because Jesus Christ became our model of perfection in all spiritual endeavors and not just only in faith demonstration, but also in love, patience, gentleness, long-suffering, meekness and peace. There is a high expectation of God from this generation, the faith we are expected to exhibit is not just for bread and butter, but, for spiritual maturity through perfection.

Dearly beloved, our dealings of faith in the new covenant should be superior to those of old, because God resides in us, His word is written in our hearts, not on tablets or scrolls. Jesus assured us that greater things shall we do (John 14:12), it, therefore, signifies that we are not limited whatsoever by flesh or the world, but empowered by the Holy Spirit to attend to the fullness of Christ through perfection. The faith we need is to access heavenly resources that will sustain us through the journey of perfection in Christ.


Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for His word and also ask Him to build our faith toward spiritual growth.


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