After He Fasted

Call to Prayer

Title: After He Fasted

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 14.02.2023


After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him ....ย Matt. 4:2-3ย NIV


When Apostle Paul was addressing the Corinthians Church, he made a statement, saying “we are not ignorant of the devices of the devil (2Cor.2:11)”. This means that though we do not focus on him, we are aware of his tricks. Now that most ministries have finished fasting, there is need for us to be aware that we are in a vulnerable state, and the devil will like to exploit it.

Now, this is what our Lord Jesus, our pattern man, experienced after He fasted for 40 days. After the fast, He became hungry and highly spiritually sensitive, and the devil came to utilize His vulnerable state. However, the coming of the devil is permitted by God to test or reveal that which He had worked in you during the fast. By carefully investigating the temptations the tempter brought to Jesus, they all fell within “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life (1 John 2:16), and the only tool the Lord used to overcome His temptations was “the word of God”.

Now, how do we ensure we have the right word to use in a particular situation? It’s by remaining in the Word. Because of the sacrificial nature of fasting, after fasting, many people may become less disciplined in their intimate time with God. Especially the first few days after the fast. However, as we keep meditating on the word, we are equipped to resist the enemy. Again, the devil spoke to Jesus; he can speak to you. With the word, you can judge the origin of what you are hearing in the spirit.

Even as we engage in spiritual exercises, let’s utilize the wisdom of God so we can have the best of such practices.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to keep us from falling to the trick of the enemy.


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