Approach as Esther did


Date: 05/02/2022

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Title โ€“ Approach as Esther did


ย On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace, in front of the king’s quarters, while the king was sitting on his royal throne inside the throne room opposite the entrance to the palace. – Esther 5:1ย 


In our verse for today, we read that after Esther finished fasting and praying, she put on her royal robe. I believe during the time of fasting and praying, Esther did not have her royal robe on, but when she completed her part and was appearing before the king, she appeared in her royal robe. Now, what did the robe signify? It signified that she was a queen, her rightful place, and the king, though not obliged, had to listen to his queen. After doing her part, she still had to appear in the right way.

Now, after three days of dry fasting, she would have lost weight (something that deters so many people from fasting). However, the beauty king Ahasuerus saw that day was something he had not seen before, and he was ready to divide the kingdom and give her half of it. That is the power that comes with fasting and prayer.

As believers, after fasting and praying, we should appear as children of our Father in Heaven. A child does not beg to receive good things from his father when the father knows the child needs it at that moment. As we have undertaken various lengths of fasting and prayer in January, let us approach boldly our father, the King of Kings, in confidence that He will give us all that we need. We do not fast and pray, and go back and cry about the same situation. That would mean we do not believe that our father can supply. But we know He is more than able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ever think or imagine.

Beloved, approach God boldly with the assurance that He will supply all your needs. You are an heir, therefore appear as one. Esther knew she was a queen, so she approached the king as a queen. You are a son/daughter. Hence, approach your father, God, with that mindset, and He will give you what you ask in the name of Jesus. God bless you!



Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to all our prayers. Let us pray for a better understanding of who we are in God through Jesus Christ so that we can approach Him with the right mindset and attitude.


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