Arise O Mighty Man of Valor – Part 2


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 25.06.2023

Title: Arise O Mighty Man of Valor – Part 2


And the Angel of the Lord appeared to him, and said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor! (Judges 6:12 NKJV)


In last week’s Call to Prayer, I began sharing on the Topic titled, “Arise O Mighty Man of Valor”. We learnt that we are living in evil and dangerous times because the evil one has successfully deceived and blinded many people (2 Cor 4:4). I also explained that the original plan of God was for man to rule the earth, but this Authority was lost to the devil after man fell (Gen 1:26-28). However, this has been restored to Believers through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus (Matt 28:18-20).

We therefore have to exercise our Authority and rule the earth and destroy the works of the evil one. There are so many mighty men of valor in the Bible who exercised their strength, power, and authority in the Lord to destroy many oppositions and reclaimed their inheritance. Today, I would like to share some examples with you so we can learn from them.

There was a time that the King of Sodom went to war against other Kings but was defeated. These Kings slew most of the people of Sodom and also took some as prisoners. Lot, who was Abraham’s Nephew was among the captives and all his goods and possessions were also taken. When Abraham heard about this, he immediately organized his servants and went after these Kings. He defeated them and brought back Lot and all the other prisoners and their stolen goods (Gen 14).

The next mighty man of war we can learn from is Caleb. When the Israelites reached the promised land, there were already some people occupying the land. Moses sent out spies to spy on the land, the people, and their defenses, and bring him Report. Caleb was among these spies. When they returned, the other spies acknowledged that the land was rich, but they scared the people with their Report. They said that the people occupying the land are Giants and their defenses are too strong and impenetrable. However, Caleb quieted them and assured the people that they will be able to defeat the occupiers and possess their inheritance (Num 13). The Lord Himself appreciated the Spirit that was in Caleb (Num 14:24). This is the Kind of Spirit we now need to destroy the works of the evil one.

David, a young shepherd boy defied all odds and went against Goliath, a Giant, and the strongest warrior among the Philistines. None of the trained Israelite soldiers were willing to stand before him. They were all afraid. However, David who had been trained by the Lord in the wilderness and knew His God went against him and defeated him (1 Sam 17).

Last but not the least is Gideon whom the Angel of the Lord definitely called, “a mighty man of valor” (Judg. 6.12). His people were being oppressed by the Midianites and the Amalekites. The Lord used him to put together an Army of three hundred men. They went against a large Midianites Army and defeated them because the Lord was with them (Judg. 6-8).

Beloved in the Lord, there are many mighty men of valor in the word of God. Since the Scriptures were written for our learning, let’s learn from these mighty men and exercise our Authority in Christ to destroy the works of the evil one, possess our possessions and rule the earth. Let’s arise oh mighty men and women of valor!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask the Lord to help all Believers to exercise our Authority in Christ to rule over the earth.

God bless you all


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