
Call to Prayerย 

Title: Ascending

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 13 02.2024


No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.

ย John 3:13 NKJV


When Adam sinned, he fell. Falling suggests there was a height Adam was before falling. At the coming of Jesus Christ, he kept mentioning His plan to restore mankind back to the Father. The Father is in heaven, and until His first coming, no man had ascended up to heaven (See John 3:13). Ascending to heaven doesn’t necessarily mean leaving earth, but living on earth from heaven.

After His death and resurrection, Christ was exalted to the right hand of the Father, which is an ascended position. Being made one with Him in the spirit, we are also seated in heavenly places with Him (Eph. 2:6). From this position in the spirit, we are to exercise the authority in the name of Jesus. Now, despite we are already seated with Him in heaven, there is still a need for us to ascend. This is because, man is not just spirit, but also soul and body (1 Thess. 5:23), and the will of a man is in the soul. We ascend to the position we are in the spirit by faith, and there are certain acts of faith we need to do.

The first act of faith to ascend in the spirit is obedience to the voice of God. Before Jesus was exalted to the right-hand side of the Father, He obeyed His instructions to die at the cross of Calvary. In a similar manner, when we obey the voice of God, we receive an exaltation. Apart from the spoken word, there are written instructions for us to obey. Psalms 15 and 24 highlight certain qualities of those who would ascend to the mountain of the Lord (heaven).

Prayer is another means by which we ascend in the spirit. When we pray in tongues, our edifice rises in the spirit ( See Jude 1:20), praying in tongues for long helps us to develop those qualities listed in Psalms 15 and 24. Meditation is another means by which we ascend; when we see ourselves seated in heavenly places and act and speak in that manner, we can access the resources of that dimension. When Jesus was on earth bodily, this was how He lived; He lived on earth knowing He was in heaven simultaneously (See John 3:13).

To rise in any field of influence, we have to rise in the spirit to the top of that particular mountain. Practicing the above-stated acts of faith is how it is done.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help each member of the body of Christ to ascend in the spirit realms.ย 


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