Attitude of Gratitude 


Date: 20.09.2021

By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Title: Attitude of Gratitude 


In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

(1 Thessalonians 5:18 NKJV) 


The word Gratitude  originated from an Old French word, “gratitudo“ with the root word “gratus“ meaning pleasing, thankful or grateful. Gratitude is being thankful and ready to show appreciation. When someone blesses you with something you feel grateful and you show your appreciation to him through Thanksgiving as an action. Mostly, we show our appreciation through either words or gestures. To feel grateful  and not expressing it, makes one’s gratitude incomplete.

Gratitude gives us the understanding of our past, brings us peace for our today and gives us a vision for tomorrow. Gratitude makes us understand why we are still alive and gives us the full meaning of life itself. Gratitude helps us to endure and gain strength through life’s struggles.  

The Bible says, “In everything“ which means we need to thank God even when we are successful or we lose something; still thanking Him when we get sick or healed; when we celebrate or mourn. When we are thankful we prove the devil wrong in so many ways. We make it also known to the world that we do not walk alone but with Christ, so no matter what comes our way, we give all the praise and glory to God. By doing so, you draw men to Christ through the light of God shinning in your life.

There is this story in the Bible about ten men who were suffering from leprosy (Luke 17:11-19). As we all know 2000 years ago there wasn’t any cure found against this illness, so therefore many who were afflicted with this illness were rejected by the society, and even by their family members. They were treated like “dogs“. The Bible tells us that after Jesus had healed them on their way to the Priest, only one among the ten remembered , and returned to Him to express his gratitude. Jesus therefore asked where the other nine men were? 

Gratitude is a feeling as well as an expression. There is power in showing or expressing your gratitude. The dimension of expression takes gratitude a step higher than the feeling. Expressing appreciation backs the feeling with action. How would you feel if you did something for someone and the person is grateful but does not tell you? You will likely question the lack of action and conclude that he is ungrateful.

Now we have to understand that to be grateful is a choice because gratitude is optional. Everyone has the right to be grateful or ungrateful, thankful or not thankful, as we can see by the ten men. The other nine lepers continued on their journey but one man made the decision to go back and say, “Thank you“.

Our Lord Jesus was expecting to see all ten men but to his surprise he saw only one. He asked, “Where are the nine?“ This should let us understand that having an attitude of Gratitude fulfills  divine expectation from God. God expects us to be thankful . 1 Thess. 5:18 tells us to give thanks in all things and in every circumstance because it is the will of God for us in Christ. One may think that a person who has experienced the mercy of God will surely be grateful, but as you can see in Luke 17: 11-18 not all of them had an attitude of Gratitude.

Beloved in the Lord, has God showed you mercy and provided all that you needed, but yet you decided not to be grateful or show gratitude? It’s never too late to go back to Jesus and thank him for all the blessings you have been experiencing.  As you move forward in life, decide to have an attitude of gratitude. 

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word. Let’s ask God to give all believers in the world a heart of gratitude. 

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