Attracting Angelic Assistance


Title:ย Attracting Angelic Assistance

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date: 13.08.2024


Are they (angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?

Heb 1:14 KJV (Emphasis Mine)


From the first book in the bible to the last, we see angels have always been operational in Godโ€™s agenda for man. They are ministering spirits sent by God to specific individuals, ministries, and nations. There are different classes and functions of Angels, today’s Call to Prayer will focus on those sent to assist in the reconciliation of mankind.

Angels bring dimensions of God to the people they are sent to minister to; attributes of God such as favour, goodness, mercy, wisdom, blessing, and glory etc. are made manifest in our lives by the presence of Angels. Again, the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are parts of the activities of Angels. For example, it is generally believed that Angel Uriel is the Angel responsible for the operations of the gift of prophecy and Angel Rafael is responsible for the gifts of healing. We see, the more angels we have functioning in our lives, the more supernatural dimensions of God we can manifest.

There are certain things we do to attract the presence of Angels in our lives, I will discuss a few of them here. Hebrew 12:22 reveals that mount Zion (the spiritual location of all Christians) is marked by the presence of an innumerable number of Angels. This means we are surrounded by Angels. However, for us to activate their function in our lives, we have to be conscious of them. This consciousness is an act of faith and it is done with the mind. As you see Angels with you at all times, soon the Lord will make their presence tangible to you. Another thing we can do to attract Angelis presence is similar to the first I mentioned, itโ€™s the consciousness of the presence of God. Angels dwell in Godโ€™s presence (light), while the demons dwell in the darkness.ย Revelation 7:11 spoke about angels standing before the throne of God.ย So, when you carry the manifest presence of God, Angels are attracted to you. We carry Godโ€™s manifest presence by meditating (ruminating) on the word of God and by living a lifestyle of worship.

Since Angels are here to assist us in the reconciliation ministry, any activity done for this purpose attracts the presence of Angels. For example, when Philip was involved in soul-winning, an angel spoke to him in Acts 8:26, giving him direction of where to go to find a prepared heart to receive the Gospel. Again, in Acts 5:17-21, we see where the Apostles were arrested for preaching the Gospel. But an Angel of the Lord rescued them and instructed them to continue to speak to the people the words of this life (the Christ-life). Soul-winning and generally speaking of the word of God attracts the presence of Angels to us.

Furthermore, prayer is an activity that attracts the presence of Angels. For example, Luke 1:5-13 records the encounter Zechariah had with an Angel when fulfilling the priestly ministry of intercession. Also, Daniel 9:20-23 revealed the encounter Prophet Daniel had with Angel Gabriel when he was interceding for Israel. Again, we read in Acts 10 how Cornelius attracted Angelic assistance while being engaged in a regimented (covenant) time of prayer. However, from personal experience, one of the most efficient kinds of prayer we can engage in to activate the functions of Angels in our lives is the prayer of thanksgiving, especially for His finished work in Christ (our redemptive benefits). When we thank God, angels are activated to function in the area of our thanksgiving.

Lastly, we walk with these angels by being obedient to their instructions.

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today, and letโ€™s ask Him to help us to do these things that we have learnt today so that the ministry of Angels will be activated in our lives.

Repost from: 05.06.2021


To learn more about angels you can purchase our book ย “Angels: How to attract angelic assistance” available on these platforms:


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