Be a servant

Call To Prayer

Title: Be a servant

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 22/10/2022


Now, O Lord my God, You have made Your servant king instead of my father David, but I am a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in1st Kings 3:7


One of the key aspects of prayer is the position we adopt when we come before God. When the people of God adopt the position of a servant, it is directly in line with Jesusโ€™ attitude on earth. Jesus operated and lived as a servant of humanity. When we see that holding a position in the house of God and over Godโ€™s people is an opportunity to serve, it pleases God. Servants serve, they are not served. Also, being a servant of Godโ€™s people, king Solomon asked for something that will benefit the people, not himself. The interest of the people was paramount.

The Greek word for servant is doulos, which means to be a slave. Thus, the servant/slave was literally owned by his/her master who could legally force him to work without wages. The privilege for us however is that as servants we have a reward, and a greater one for that matter, if we discharge our duties with diligence.

Beloved, it is a great thing to serve the Lord. It is a privilege to be a Christian and to be assigned certain responsibilities in the house of God. It is not an opportunity for exploitation or boasting. We should serve and serve with pride, for our reward will be great and immeasurable. When Solomon asked for wisdom to serve, he received greater than he asked. He received riches for himself when he put Godโ€™s work first. Let us endeavour to serve and serve wholeheartedly, and God will bless us with things we have not asked for. God bless you!

Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for His word today and the answers to our prayers. Also, let us pray for a heart of a servant in order to do the work of God well.


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