Be Patient With God


Date: 06.09.2021

By: Nana Adjoa Brasor-Kuffour

Title:ย  Be Patient With God


But David answered Rechab and Baanah his brother, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and said to them, โ€œAsย theย Lordย lives,ย who has redeemed my life from all adversityย 

( 2 Samuel 4:9 )


2 Samuel 4 talks about two men who took matters in their own hands by killing an innocent man. They did not only want to please David, but also thought they were doing God a favour. These men killed the son ofย  Saul who was then Davidโ€™s enemy. However they didnโ€™t know that Jonathan, who was also Saulโ€™s son, had a grandson. King David reminded them on what happened to the Amalekite man who killed Saul (2 Sam 1) and came running to him with his crown in Ziklag. These men made the same mistake, thinking that they had done something good and they were similarly executed. King David would have no part in seizing the throne for himself, not even when God has given him the promise, because he submits to God and WAITS on the Lord.ย 

King Solomon says, without the fear of God, everything is meaningless, utterly meaningless (Eccl. 1:2) . Most of us have a problem waiting for God to fulfil His will. We canโ€™t wait for the egg to hatch, and because we believe time is wasted when we wait, we tend to speed things up. By so doing, we crack the egg ourselves. Donโ€™t take matters into your own hands but rather give God time, and focus on Him and His promises, knowing that He is faithful.

I believe we remember the story of Sarah whom God promised a child, but because of her impatience told her husband Abraham to lay with her maidservant. She thought she was helping God out for His promise to be fulfilled because she believed her age (76) wouldnโ€™t allow God to work miracles through her. Who are we to think for God? Who are we to decide for God? Were we there when the earth was filled with darkness? Did we help in creating all that we see today? Sarahโ€™s plan worked and looked good for a moment but later her relationship with Hagar (the maidservant) became sour. Ishmael was no doubt born, but with Isaac coming afterwards, became the source of conflict and grief to the couple, to the family, to the nation, and now to the world. Manโ€™s plan or way looks good only for a moment, but the Lordโ€™s plan is forever good.

Our Job is not to figure out the what, the when or the how, but to make up our minds that we will not lose faith and give up on God. Letโ€™s stop taking matters into our own hands, believing we know best.ย  We canโ€™t know more or better than God, because He is the all-knowing God (Deut. 29:29).

Our Lord Jesus said in Acts 1:7 that, โ€œโ€ฆIt is not for you toย know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authorityโ€œ. Jesus makes us understand here that only He holds all authority over life decisions, death and time. We canโ€™tย  control what God has authority over and we canโ€™t be God. We are His creation, and a creation canโ€™t decide for the creator.ย 

God wants us to be patient with Him. He will bring everything to fruition in His own way and time. There are two things which shows that we are patient with God. One of the most important act of Faith God expects from us is TRUST. He doesnโ€™t expect you to understand all the how, the when, the what and the where. The Bible tells us to trust the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. In all our ways we should submit to Him, and He will make our paths straight (Prov. 3:5-6). When you look at where you were and see the faithfulness of God in your life, you will find yourself letting go of trusting yourself to placing your trust on Him. Thatโ€™s the reason why Patience is a Fruit of the Spirit and itโ€™s an important one (Gal. 5:22-23).

The second important act of Faith is to give God time. Time plays an important part in learning to trust God. Trust does not come automatic, it comes with time. 2 Peter 3:8-9 tells us how God experiences days and years and how He is willingย  to keep every promise He has made. What we may comprehend as slow response is due to God listening to us. God is working everything for our good, so that none of us will fall into the trap of the devil. Our Lord Jesus is patient with us and we in return should be patient with Him.

Beloved of God, Itโ€™s very easy to compare ourselves to others and wonder why something has come through for them but it has yet to happen for us. We need to understand that there is a purpose and reason for something not happening or not changing. It is us who needs to be doing the changing, starting with being patient.

Prayer Point:ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word and answers to our Prayers. Letโ€™s pray that God help all believers to be patient with Him all the days of our lives.ย 

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