Becoming A Name 

Call to Prayer 

Title: Becoming A Name

Name: Daniel Peter

Date: 31.01.2024


… Now I will make your name great, like the names of the greatest men on earth. 2 Samuel 7:9 KJV


Many years ago, I heard a testimony of a woman who was caught by ritualists. As they were about to kill her, being one who is still new in the faith, she shouted the name of her Pastor. As she did, the power of God manifested and she was miraculously delivered from her captors.

One of God’s promises to Abraham was that He was going to make his name great (See Genesis 12:21). In Hebrew, the word name is translated from the word “Shem”, and in Greek, it’s the word “Onoma”. In both languages it means authority. So, when God told Abraham that He would make his name great, He was inferring that He would increase the authority in his (Abraham’s) name.

To see name as authority, let’s consider the statement of the evil spirit the sons of Sceva tried casting out. Scripture said “But the evil spirit answered them, ‘Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?’ “(Acts 19:15). What the evil spirit was saying was that it recognises the authority in the name of Jesus and Paul. So the name Paul had authority. Again, the authority in names isn’t just recognised in the spirit realm, but also in the natural. In physics, names like Faraday and Isaac Newton have become authorities in that field, and there are other areas of human affairs we have recognisable names. In fact, when God promised to make David a name, He said “Now I will make your name great, like the names of the greatest men on earth… “(2 Samuel 7:9). Meaning, that there are great names on earth, and these may not necessarily be Christians.

Like Jesus, Abraham, David, and Paul etc., God wants to make your name great, this is part of the blessings we have in Christ. The way to it is love for God expressed in obedience to Him. When Jesus Christ obeyed the Father, even till death, one of the things that came with His exaltation was that He was given a name that is above every other name (See Phil. 2:9).

Jesus Christ obeyed God by going to the cross, Abraham obeyed God by leaving his father’s house to an unknown land, while David demonstrated love for God by desiring to build Him a house. Love for God (which is also expressed in obedience as revealed in John 14:15), is the access route to becoming a name.

Prayer Point

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help each one in the body of Christ to love Him.


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