Becoming Holy


Title: Becoming Holy

By: Michael Ntow

Date: 14/09/2021


Be not conformed to this world.


The Scriptures place great emphasis on our part in sanctification, on what you and I have to do. What is the point of the mighty arguments of Paul and the apostles in their letters if sanctification is something that I am to receive? Why the exhortations?

Here is one exhortation from the apostle Peter: โ€œDearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soulโ€ (1 Peter 2:11). Do you notice what he says? We do not receive our sanctification and are then delivered from these things. No; he tells us to abstain from them and to keep ourselves from them.

And the tragedy is that so many people are spending their lives waiting to receive something, and in the meantime they are not abstaining from these fleshly lusts.

Take a statement from Paul: โ€œLet him that stole steal no moreโ€ (Ephesians 4:28). That is what he is to do. He is not to wait to receive something; he is commanded to give up stealing. What can be more specific than that? And people who are guilty of foolish talking and jesting and other unseemly things are not to do them (Ephesians 5:4). โ€œBe not conformed to this worldโ€ (Romans 12:2). You do not wait to receive something; if up to this moment you have been conforming to the world, you must stop.

People have often come to me about this and said, โ€œYou know, Iโ€™ve been trying so hard, but I canโ€™t get this experience.โ€ To which the reply is that the Scripture commands you to abstain: โ€œCleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double mindedโ€ (James 4:8).

And I repeat that these injunctions are quite pointless and a sheer waste of ink if sanctification is something that I can receive. If it is, we would surely be told, โ€œYou need not worry about this question of sin you can receive your sanctification in one act, and all you do then is to maintain it and abide in it.โ€ But this is most certainly not the New Testament teaching.


A thought to ponderย 

The Scriptures place great emphasis on our part in sanctification.

Prayer point

Grave to live a holy life

Go bless us all

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