Becoming strong through enquiries

Call To Prayer

Title: Becoming strong through enquiry

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 12.05.2022


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: [8] For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. (Matthew 7:7-8 KJV)


Believers today have limited asking and seeking to getting blessings, healings and breakthroughs from God but the provision in the above scripture is more than that. Going through the scriptures, we see different accounts describe king David as a man after Godโ€™s own heart. This means that he understands the rhythm of Godโ€™s heart which is found in absolute obedience. He is always waiting on God to be guided and be led through the right paths. He did not only achieve this through his intimate time of worship but also through prayers of enquiries.

The Bible talks about him enquiring from the Lord on different occasions before going to battle (1 Sam.23:4). As a valiant man, who had engaged in so many battles and achieved impossible feats at the warfront, that even the men of valour around him equated him to ten thousand valiant men (2 Sam. 18:1). Yet, before he moves, he goes again to ask, โ€œshall I goโ€?. This is a secret that David traded all through his life and ministry. Every time he enquires, he receives an answer.

We are on a journey and this kind of prayer gives us access to the map of our destiny so it can be easier to navigate. When we are troubled about situations around our lives, or confused on what to do, we are admonished to ask the Father: What is the reason for this unpleasant situation? Is this step the right one to take? Is your hand in this endeavour? What is your purpose for this child you have given to me? What is your plan for my life?. He is interested in leading us and thatโ€™s why He said in Jer. 33:3 โ€œ Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not ofโ€.

When our Lord Jesus was on earth, He demonstrated this also. Every time his disciples make an enquiry from him concerning any matter, he never fails to answer. To the heathen, he might speak in parables but not to his disciples. And Jesus said anyone that has seen him has seen the Father because he is an express reflection of the Father in words and in deeds (John 14:9).

When we are equipped with the right answers, our understanding is blossomed and it strengthens our faith as we walk with the Lord. Therefore to elaborate our scriptural reference, I will put it as;

โ€œAsk for His leading, and it shall be given you, seek for His counsel in your areas of confusion, and ye shall find answers: knock on the door of understanding, and it shall be opened unto youโ€ (emphasis mine)


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for His word today and letโ€™s ask Him for His plan for our lives and the body of Christ at this present time and how we fit into His grand design.

God bless you!


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