Becoming the Solution

Call to Prayer

Title: Becoming the Solution

Date: 01.07.2022

By: Daniel Peter

Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them.
Heb. 7:25 NIV

The creation slumped into darkness the moment Adam sinned against God. Ever since then, every creation has gone out of course (God’s original intent for them). The results of this are the problems we experience in our world today. As we know, every problem needs a solution. Then, what’s the solution to the problems we are experiencing in our world today?

The frequent response to the question asked above is that God is the solution to the problem of the world. Though this seems true, but it is not the complete truth. This is because, Though God is the Lord (owner) of the heavens and the earth, He has voluntarily gave the earth to man (for a time).ย  Psalms 115:16 states: “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to man”. This suggests that man is responsible for the management of the earth, as it has been willed to him. Because of the legal nature of this Will, as God subjects himself to His word (Psalm 138:2), it will be illegal for God to act on earth without the permission of a man. This is the reason God is always in search for a man to use as the solution to the world’s problems.

Examples of men God has used as solutions to the problems of the world includes individuals such as Moses, whom He used to end the enslavement of the Israelites by the Egyptians. Joseph, that was an instrument to preserve the world from perishing as a result of farming (food scarcity). The man Christ Jesus, by whom God brought salvation to the world etc. Despite these men rose as solutions to the world’s problems, it was God who empowered them to fulfill the tasks. In essence, God can’t act without a man, and man cant act (to bring about the will of God) without God.

There are still problems in our world today; insecurity, bad governance, poverty, sickness and diseases etc needing to be addressed. Despite the price for the restoration of all things has been paid by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God Is still needs men to use as the solutions of the world’s problems. We declare ourselves to be available to be used by God as the solution to the world’s problems when we have sincere burdens in our heart to see things change for the better and we give expression to it in prayer (intercession). For by praying, we give God permission to act on the earth. And His first choice of use is the person praying.

So, instead of being worried by the problems in the world, pray to God about them. And in time, He will give you grace/power to be the solution to those things you are praying about.

Prayer Points:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s also ask Him to stir the Church up to pray.

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