Being Frugal With Relationships


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 23.01.2022

Title: Being Frugal With Relationships


Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

ย (Matthew 10:16 NKJV)


Our Lord Jesus told His disciples that the Life of a Believer in this world is like a Sheep in the midst of Wolves; there are many things in the world that are ready to fight you and devour you. Therefore, to be able to successfully fulfill our purpose on this earth, one thing we need is the wisdom of Serpents. The Serpent is known to be one of wisest Animals which was created (Gen 3:1). We have learnt that the Serpent is very frugal and so, we also have to be frugal with our time and resources. I also believe that one area that we have to be frugal with, is our relationships.

God usually brings specific people into our lives at a certain point to be a blessing to us. As Christians, we have to recognize the importance of such people in our lives and not waste our relationship with them. The Prodigal son wasted all his good relationships and went to cultivate other useless relationships (Luke 15:5). Many people waste marriages and friendships with fighting, arguments etc. and miss all the blessings which should have resulted from these relationships.

What are the reasons why people waste relationships? I believe one of the reasons is lack of understanding. We donโ€™t know the meaning, nature, and importance of relationships. We have to know that whatever God wants to give you, He will pass it through specific people. However, some people feel like, to be related to someone, you must like the person or feel good about the person. It may be that some of the people will meet your requirements but not all the people God brings into your life will be like that. Failure to understand this, leads to us wasting many good relationships. As Christians we are not led by feelings but by the Spirit of God (Rom 8:14).

Also, lack of recognition is one of the reasons why we waste relationships. The truth is that we will meet a lot of people in this life. Some of them have not been chosen by God to do anything in your life. However, some of them have been chosen by God to bless and impact your life, and you have to be able to recognize these people. You may easily waste such relationships if you donโ€™t know (Luke 15:15). Thatโ€™s why many people run away from good relationships and go after useless ones.

One thing is that, when someone or something is so close, you easily despise it. You may be close to a great man of God, but you may lose him due to lack of recognition. For example, Elisha recognized Elijah (2 Kings 2:9), Peter recognized the Lord Jesus Christ and was blessed (Matt 16:17). Gehazi on the other hand, didnโ€™t recognize Elisha and missed the Anointing (2 Kings 5:26-27).

Beloved in the Lord, the Life of a Believer in the world is like that of a Sheep in the midst of Wolves, and we therefore have to be wise as Serpents. One wisdom of Serpents we need is its frugality. We have to be frugal with our relationships by understanding and recognizing the people God brings into our lives and give them proper place in our lives.ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย ย 


Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all believers in this world to be wise as Serpents. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help us to understand and recognize all the people He brings into our lives to bless us.

God bless you all.


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