Benefit of walking diligently with God

Call to Prayer

Title: Benefit of Walking diligently with God

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 24.12.2021


And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.” (Genesis 5:24)


Enoch was a righteous and an upright man who lived a life that God was so pleased with him that He did not allow him to taste death. Since after the incident at the garden of Eden, subsequent generations of mankind grieved God so much so that He pronounced that His spirit shall not continue to be with man, and the Bible recorded that ”every imagination of the thoughts of man’s heart was only evil continually” (Gen 6:5). Nonetheless, Enoch found great favor in the eyes of God that earned him the escape of physical death, and indeed he was the first human that experienced such. One could wonder what Enoch had done differently from other human beings in his own generation, well, even though there is no detail information about the life Enoch lived, however, one can be assured that, Enoch worked with God diligently.

Walking with God with extreme passion and enthusiasm grants us incredible advantages, for God is a faithful rewarder of those who genuinely walk with Him. We can also see other examples of great men of God in the past, people like Elijah, Elisha, Moses, David, Daniel, Esther etc who were exceptional for God. They stood out among their mates, they ย dedicated their lives for God and He did not disappoint them. Walking with God is a massive opportunity, imagine having an intimate relationship with the maker of Heaven and Earth, I mean what could have been more honorable, noble and beneficial than that?

Dearly beloved, I would implore us to be encouraged in maintaining close relationship with God, for He is ever faithful, sometimes we may feel discouraged by the unpleasant difficulty that comes with walking with God, for instance being ridiculed by ones peers, being tempted, being treated unfairly or persecuted for Christ sake. May God grant us the grace to continue walking with Him even in the midst of trials.

Prayer point:

Let’s Thank God for the message today. Let us ask Him to show us how to walk with Him diligently.


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