
Call To Prayer

Title: Boundaries

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 12.09.2024


Fear ye not me? Saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it? (Jeremiah 5:22)


Every country across the different continents in this present day is delineated from their neighbours by borders whether land, air or sea. This boundaries marks the extent to which they can protect their citizens, exercise control and enforce the countryโ€™s rule of law. Any further encroachment outside of this boundary is regarded as trespass and an infringement on the sovereignty of another nation and this is punishable.

So also, in the kingdom of God, there are boundaries and limits to protect us and guide us. As believers, there are boundaries around our way of life, for instance, the way we talk is crucial because we are not allowed to speak evil of others (Ps 34:13), our association is equally vital if we want to stay within the boundary of the kingdom because ungodly association puts us at loggerheads with the dictates of God (Ps 1:1) and we must abide by His commands at all times. These limits are in place to help us understand the love of Godย  and also help us to stay holy because the God we serve is holy. Your life no longer belongs to you because it has been paid for when Jesus died for your sins on the cross.

When we are kind to others and develop a reputation for integrity no matter the pressure of compromise, it builds in us Godly character. This way, we are dependent on Godโ€™s direction and guidance at all times. His will forms the extent of the boundary and we must strive to stay within his will which is found in His word. The word of God is the document that shows us the clear map of the boundaries of His kingdom. We must read it consciously with the help of the Holy ghost.

There are consequences for going outside of His boundaries for our lives. When Adam and eve went past this, they were driven out of the garden. So, when we go out of bounds, we are sure to be penalised. Everything in this world works because of the laws that God has put in place and they cannot be changed. So, to stay safe from destruction and death, we must live our lives within the confines of His boundaries.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for today. Let us ask Him for grace to stay within His will for our lives at all times.


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