Build a good reputation

Call To Prayer

Title: Build a good reputation

By: Owusu Clifford S.

Date: 23/07/2022


Therefore, brethren,ย seek out from among you seven men ofย goodย reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over thisย business. Acts 6:3


For the past few weeks, one thing that the Holy Spirit has being drawing my attention to is the need for attention to detail and structure. This has been most prominent in the divine order of the Bible. Every single text, word or phrase has been put at its place for a purpose, which when removed may not help the complete understanding and acceptance of what God wants to put across. Our God is chronological, methodical and structural. God is meticulous with everything, and certainly the manual for life (the Bible) is one of His carefully structured masterpieces.

This insight came about sometime last week when I was reading our verse for today. What led to the verse was dissensions and disagreements that arose in the early church with respect to the sharing of benefits among the Jewish and Hellenists widows. So the apostles called some leaders of the disciples and instructed them to appoint seven men who will be in charge of the fair sharing of the benefits.

Moreover, the apostles laid down the qualities they expect of these people. The first thing they mentioned was that the chosen men should be of good reputation, and secondly, they should be filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom. I was a bit alarmed because I was expecting the infilling of the Holy Spirit to be at the forefront of the expected qualities. As I read the verse and meditated on the word, the Holy Spirit gave me the understanding that, what you do with what you have makes all the difference. This reechoed the words of James 2:18, which says “show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds”.

In this world, what you have accomplished is what will lead you to places. Having the Holy Spirit is paramount, but without His manifestation in the form of godly works, no one sees your light, and doors may not open for you. Your track record is very important to your next assignment. God Himself values this as well (the parable of the talents). In this parable, when the master (God) came back, He was willing to give a greater responsibility to the servants who used their gifts (Matthew 25:14-30). Nobody sees the Holy Spirit dwelling in you if it is not manifested through works.

Hence, endeavour to build a good reputation. The Holy Spirit was not wrong in the order in which he arranged the qualities. What you have done with what you have matters. We apply for jobs with a CV. The CV is a testament to your innate abilities that have been put to work. Today, let us be encouraged to build a good reputation. It matters to God and man. May we be blessed!


Prayer Point:

Let us thank God for the answers to our prayers. Let us pray for the grace to build a good reputation and leave behind a legacy that cannot be erased.


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