Build On Christ In This Year – Part 2


Title: Build On Christ In This Year – Part 2

By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 19.01.2025


For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.  (1 Corinthians 3:11 NKJV)


During the recent fire outbreak in America, we saw that all the houses which were made of wood were completely burnt. However, the houses which were made of concrete only lost their roofs to the fire. It was even in the News last week about an old Statue that was not affected by the fire in any way. When you look at the statue carefully, you will realize that it was made of strong concrete.

When I was watching the News, it reminded me of the topic I have been talking about for some time now, on us building our lives on Christ as our foundation. We have to be very careful of how we build on the foundation and the kind of materials we use. This is because the word of God makes us understand that all our works will be tested with fire. If we build with strong and quality materials, we will survive the test of fire but if we build with weak and fake materials, we will be destroyed (1 Cor 3:10-15).

As Believers, the truth is that there will definitely be a day or period when our Faith will seriously be tested. Whether we survive this test with our Faith intact or fall depends on how well we have built our lives on Christ as our foundation (Eph 6:13). Also, let’s not forget that we will all one day stand before the Lord and give account on how we spent our lives on this earth (2 Cor 5:10).

Last we learnt that becoming doers of the word of God is one of the ways that we can build our lives on Christ. Today, I would like to add prayer to it. Prayer is how we communicate with God our Father in this glorious fellowship. That means that prayer draws a strong presence of God which comforts us, assures us, and strengthens us to hold on to our faith to the very end. The more we pray with all kinds of prayer, especially praying in the Spirit, the stronger we become built up in Christ (Jude 1:20).

Beloved in the Lord, Christ Jesus is our solid rock and the foundation on which we build our lives. However, let’s be careful of how we build on Him and the kind of materials we use because our works will be tested with fire. One way we can build well on Christ is through regular prayer. Do you want to have a successful year and life? Then build on Christ!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today and for the new year. Let’s ask God to give all Believers around the world the hunger and desire to pray regularly.

God bless you all!



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