Building The Temple

Call To Prayer

Title: Building The Temple

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 08.02.3024


What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?(1 Corinthians 6:19 KJV)


The book of Ezra tells the story of the return of some Israelites from captivity to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem according to the word of the king. The temple was a place where the presence of God was hosted at the time which was first built by Solomon(1 Kings 6:38). However, after the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, we as believers have become this temple and we carry the Holy ghost in us. My focus today is rebuilding the broken walls of our temples so that God can dwell again in it.

Just as God commanded Cyrus to rebuild the temple (Ezra 1:2), He also beckons on His children today that have had their temples plundered, looted or broken down to start rebuilding. When you gave your life to Christ, there are visible signs you could point to confirming Godโ€™s presence in your life. You began to know things no one taught you, get directions, instructions and warnings through dreams, long for the study of the Bible and prayers but they are now a thing of the past and you feel dry. If you know that you have abandoned or strayed far away from those things God commanded you to do, then it is time rebuild the broken walls of your temple and restore all that was plundered.

It is worthy to note that there will be a resistance from opposing forces to keep you from building up your temple by seeking the face of God again in humility, just as there was resistance against the children of Israel which kept them from building the temple in Jerusalem(Ezra 4:23). The enemy wants to perpetually keep men in captivity and will fight any attempt from men to secure the attention of heaven.

A temple is a consecrated place which means that the believer must live a life of consecration and holiness so the Holy Spirit can have full expression through such vessels. To adequately maintain this infrastructure, we need supplies from heaven of a commodity called grace. Also, we are put on the whole armour of God to withstand any attack of the enemy that might seek to break down Godโ€™s building (Eph. 6:13).


Prayer point:
Let us thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s ask for grace to keep the temple of God holy at all times.


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