Burn the bridge

Call to Prayer

Title: Burn the bridge

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 08.09.2023


“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me (GALATIANS 2:20).


A bridge as we all commonly know is a structure that links two portions of land that are usually separated by a body of water together. It makes it possible and easy for people to cross over to either side of the sea. When a man gets born again, there are things that connect him to his past sinful life which must be dealt with. The patterns of life he was trapped in during his sinful days must be destroyed because they are a bridge serving as an access road from his abominable past to his new life in Christ. He has to burn the bridge behind him so that he does not have access to the world of sin again.

Apostle Paul narrated how he separated himself from his old lifestyles and remained crucified with Christ. A consecrated youth must discard the things that may link him up with his past evils. Such things include: phone contacts, media links, photographs and materials that remind him/her of the past evil friends and actions. Others include: separation from ungodly peers and from visiting in ungodly places. Identify with the routes that connect you with godliness.

Dear beloved, the bridge might be something that appears to be inconsequential to the carnal mind, however, could be the outright link to our ‘vomit‘ (past life). We are expected to profoundly part away with whatever ungodly past life and be crucified with Christ, by so doing, we would obtain a new victorious life direct from the Cross. As we make the firm commitment to ever move forward in the spiritual race, may the Almighty Godย  help us overcome all barriers that could stand against us.

Prayer point:

Let’s us thank God for the word today. Let us also ask Him to help us identify any ungodly past engagements that would be a barrier to our heaven-bound race. Praise His Holy name !

Re-postedย from: 12.11.2021


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