The key of Knowledge.

Call to Prayer

Topic: The Key of Knowledge

Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter yourselves, and you hindered those who were entering.โ€
Luke 11:52 ESVย 

The kingdom and everything in it are accessible by knowledge. It is expected that leaders in the kingdom should have knowledge because they are to equip the flock so they can access their inheritance in Christ and be able to live a life that is pleasing to God.

In scriptural verse of today, we see Jesus condemning the Pharisees for taking away the key of knowledge, preventing the flock from entering the kingdom, whilst they were out themselves. You may ask, why did they act this way? The Pharisees were more concerned about what they will gain, their position as leaders and the honour they will receive from people rather than doing the will of God (John 11: 48). They feared losing the loyalty of the people if they should turn to Jesus when they believed in the truth.

As it was then, so it is now. Many leaders of the body of Christ do not equip the flock with the right knowledge. They create a situation where the flock depend on them for everything. The growth of the flock is stunted and they cannot live out their full rights and privileges as kingdom citizens.

The solution to this problem is seen in Jesus’ admonition to Peter shortly after His resurrection, recoded in John 21:15 – 17; Loving God more than gain.

Prayer Point:

Let’s take time out today to ask God to fill the leaders of the body of Christ with love for Him that surpasses love for selfish gain or any other thing that may prevent them from fulfilling their responsibilities as God’s ministers.

Thank you all.




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