Candle in the Dark


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 08.05.2022

Title: Candle in the Dark


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

(Matthew 5:16 NKJV)


The world we live in is full of darkness. There is evil everywhere and one need not to search for long to find evil acts being committed. People are killing one another, hating one another, envying one another, despising one another, living their lives on pleasure, promoting, supporting, and committing other unnatural acts which are even shameful to talk about.

All these are happening because we have rejected the Lord and His Word to follow our own understanding and ways of life (Rom 1:18-32). Itโ€™s really sad the way most people hate and donโ€™t fear the Lord at all nowadays. You just turn on your TV or open your social media and you will see many people making blasphemous statements against our Lord with ease.

When you consider all the things going on, you may not be wrong to conclude that there is no hope for this Generation. However, as Christians, we are not really surprised by all thatโ€™s going on because the word of God already spoke of these times. Our Lord Jesus talked about a lot of evil that will happen in the end times and I believe we are already in those times (Matt 24).

Considering all these, I believe that this is also the time for Christians all around the world to arise and shine our light so bright (Matt 5:16, Is 60:1-3). This is the time to shine our light of love, forgiveness, peace, righteousness, truth, giving and preaching of the Word so that our good works will be evident for all, and the name of our Lord will be glorified. This is a responsibility of a every Christian and not only that of the leaders or some few serious ones. We are the light of this dark world (Matt 5:14). This must be our lifestyle! Our main goal should always be to brighten every area or field we find ourselves in.

Beloved in the Lord, when we shine our light in this dark world, we will easily be recognized. Why am I saying this? This is because light shines brighter when there is darkness, the greater the darkness, the brighter the light and this world is full of darkness. When those in darkness see our bright light, they will be drawn to it and give their life to Christ as a result. Therefore, brighten the corner wherever you are, be the Candle in the dark!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word. Letโ€™s pray for Mercy for all the people in the world. Letโ€™s also ask the Lord to help all Believers around the world to shine their lights so bright that many will see our good works and glorify His name.

God bless you all.


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