Candle in the Dark – Part 2 


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 15.05.2022

Title: Candle in the Dark – Part 2


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

(Matthew 5:16 NKJV)


In last week’s Call to Prayer, I began sharing on the Topic,” Candle in the Dark”. We learnt that the world is full of darkness and evil because humans have rejected the Lord and His Word to follow their own ways. Since Christians are the light of this world, this is the time to arise and shine our light of love, forgiveness, peace, righteousness, truth, giving and preaching of the Word so that our good works will be evident for all, and the name of our Lord will be glorified. When we do so, many unbelievers will be drawn into our light and give their life to Christ.

There are many Believers in the past who experienced a dark world like ours, yet they shined their light and brightened wherever they were. I would like to mention some of them and what we can learn from them. Let’s start with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, the way, the truth, and the life. He was and is still the light of this world (John 8:12).

During His time on earth, there was so much evil committed by the people, including the religious leaders and the teachers of the Law. However, He remained committed and focused on His purpose. He lived a life of love, peace, forgiveness, and obedience to the Lord. He obeyed the Lord irrespective of the persecutions. He humbled Himself and obeyed the Lord even to the point of death and that’s why His name has been exalted above every other name (Phil 2:5-11).

Also, during Noah’s time, there was so much evil to the extent that the Lord decided to wipe out everyone from the face of the earth. However, Noah made his light shine and he found favor in the sight of God (Gen 6:1-9). As a result, he and his family were spared from the flood that destroyed everything on earth (Gen 7). In Daniel 3, King Nebuchadnezzar made a decree for everyone to worship his gold image, but Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would not bow to any God except Jehovah.  They were thrown into a burning furnace, but they were not harmed, and King Nebuchadnezzar even blessed the Lord as a result.

Beloved in the Lord, one thing that is common among all these great men is that they experienced different forms of persecutions. As you decide to shine your light in this dark world, you should expect all forms of insults, rejections, and persecutions. However, let’s not focus on these but rather focus on the Glory that will be revealed in our lives and the greater Glory that will be given to our Lord. Let’s go and brighten the world!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word. Let’s ask the Lord to help all Believers around the world to shine their lights so bright that many will see our good works and glorify His name. Let’s ask the Lord to strengthen all Believers to endure all forms of persecutions.

God bless you all.


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