Capacity To Retain

Call To Prayer

Title: Capacity To Retain

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 20.07.2023


Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.ย  ย (Song of Solomon 2:15 KJV)


In construction, the intention most times is to build to last. However, this dream may not be achieved without the introduction of facility/infrastructure management. For instance, leakages in the pipe network is capable of creating further problems if not quickly resolved. This amounts to wastage of resources and energy that should benefit the owners.

In comparison, God is always willing to build a man because He seeks for who can stand in the gap (Eze. 22:30). The main issue is whether the man is willing to guide against leakages, blocked and burst pipes. It is the inability to retain deposits from above that has left men dry without oil upon their head. If judging by the various impartations we have received from Holy ghost filled meetings, personal encounters, prophetic proclamations and laying on of hands, we should by now be a sign and a wonder but because the back door is not closed, we lose too much virtue.

As a strategist, the enemy knows your family history and how to punch holes into your life(Pro. 6:26) to drain out the grace, anointing and blessings of God. Have you noticed any pattern that is repetitive anytime you are waiting on the Lord or about to step into another season? Sometimes, people just start getting on your nerves for no tangible reason and the enemy is hoping you will react with anger and drain you out.

Spiritual maintenance includes purging yourself continually of things capable of bringing you into condemnation or disuse. Sometimes, you watch videos on social media and somehow a video with mild pornographic content shows up in your feed and you find it hard to skip or shut down, then that tendency needs to be purged through fasting and prayer (Matt. 17:21) before the enemy takes advantage to manifest it through you.

Finally, If any area of your life is disconnected from the flow of divine power, that area experiences darkness and it is expedient that you reconnect it so that power can flow to it to function maximally. Also, upgrades and facelifts from the word of God and divine encounters are required from time to time to keep your spiritual building up to acceptable standards for the masterโ€™s use.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word. Father, give us capacity to retain your deposits of grace, anointing, blessings and glory in Jesus name.


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