Carriers of the Revival Fire



Title:ย Carriers of the Revival Fire

By:ย ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 02.06.2021


Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.

Matthew 9:37 NIV


Observing the relationship between the nation of Israel and God in the scriptures, it will be obvious that God had made plans for them at every stage of their walk with Him, even long before the event happened. One of such plans is the plan of restoration when Israel falls away from faith in Him, or the kingdom practices He gave to them. This plan was clearly expressed in Deuteronomy 30: 1-10, and the condition for this restoration is recalling to mind the activities of God in the past, which will then lead to a returning to Him by the people.


Godโ€™s relationship with Israel foreshadowed what we have now in Christ. And as with Israel, God has plans to restore His Church to His best for her when we fall short in our faith in Him. As can be observed throughout history, sections of the Church have fallen into the abyss of religion; where the faith is taken just as a dogma with no expectation to experience the glory we see in scriptures. For example, a section of the Church today do not believe in healing and the miraculous. They believe such ended with the New Testament Apostles, and are not to be experienced again, and they have well-crafted doctrines to back up their claims. Others have departed from the doctrine of Christ, ignoring the obedience that should follow our profession of the faith (2Cor. 9:13), which is love. However, God foreseeing this, He has plans for restoration. This restoration is what is referred to as revival. Though it starts from the Church, it extends to the world, bringing about the salvation of souls.


Revival is simply God initiated: He performs this in every generation, sometimes multiple times in a generation. Despite revival is God-initiated and His idea, it comes as a response to prayer (2 Chro.7:14). Again, what matters more to God is not the act of praying or the words said during prayer, but the person who is praying; there is a trait God is looking for in the person praying for revival to come. To know this trait, letโ€™s consider some of the people God has used in the bible to bring about a revival. Elijah was one of such men; we see how the nation was brought to the acknowledgement of God as The Lord by His encounter with the Prophets of Baal (1Kings 18:18-40). However, Elijah described Himself as one who stands before the Lord (1Kings 18:15). We stand before the Lord by being conscious of Him and in expectation to hear Him speak. Also, Ezekiel was another man God used to bring revival in his days. In Ezekiel 37:1-15, we see how God used him to give life to dry bones, which became a mighty army (they were revived). In the call of Ezekiel, recorded in Ezekiel 1 and 2, we see His response to the voice of God was not one with surprise, but an expression of an expectation to hear God speak. Ezekiel was practising Godโ€™s consciousness.


Furthermore, Gideon was an example of a revivalist, His army was a restoration army, and with him, God destroyed the temple of Baal, and the land was restored to the Israelite by him defeating the Midianite army (Judges 6-8). In Chapter 6 of the book of Judges, Gideon was described as a man who God was with (Jdg 6:12). God was with Gideon because he was one who meditates on the word of God. We can discern this from His response in verse 13, for he knew of Godโ€™s wonderful deeds and His Judgments. This was the might the Angel asked him to go with (Jdg 6:14).


In summary, the carriers of the revival fire are those who live in the consciousness of Godโ€™s presence with the expectation to hear His voice. Meditating on the word of God is the key to carrying His presence. Men and women like this are who God is looking for to send to His harvest field this end time.


Prayer Point:


Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help the entire body of Christ to be conscious of His presence at all times, in the expectation to hear His voice. Also. He should fill us with an unquenchable passion for His word

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