Carrying your cross

Call To Prayer

Title: Carrying your cross

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 30.03.2023


My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; [3] Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. [4] But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:2-4


If one of us had been a prophet that could see into the future in the days that the Lord Jesus was choosing His disciples while he was on earth, that prophet would probably have pulled Jesus aside to ask him if he didnโ€™t know that the one named Judas would betray him? Of course, Jesus knew from the beginning but he still spent time equipping and building the 12, investing his time and energy to raise them into men of stature in the things of God.

Before we belittle Judas, letโ€™s remember that he was part of the disciples sent out in Luke 9: 1-2 who the Lord gave power and authority over the devil and to cure diseases. So, Judas Iscariot conducted deliverance for possessed people and healed many who had diseases. He was an anointed man doing the things of God but somehow still made room for the devil to possess him with greed so that scriptures can be fulfilled. He was a cross Jesus had to bear till the time appointed and it was not recorded that Jesus was offended with him at any time.

When we are confronted with situations that are not pleasant and we have prayed continually and done everything but they refuse to change, it might be pointing to a baptism we have to go through to be strengthened or properly positioned for the journey ahead. Some have carried bitterness in their hearts and still feel pains when they think about how they trusted someone and he/she betrayed them. If we allow it to shape our character to be hostile or build a wall around ourselves so as to protect us from the hurt, we might miss the vital lesson that is being passed across in the school of the Spirit. It is necessary that we carry our cross so that perfection can be wrought in us and there will be no room for offences or bitterness or pain.

The reason why that boss is just unnecessarily hard on you might be totally unconnected with the work at hand, it is probably because you need to learn quickly so that God can take you somewhere else to influence them with the message of the kingdom but first, you need the knowledge of the job to gain access. Jesus carried his cross by loving Judas so much that he even gave him an executive position and the other disciples couldnโ€™t tell who the Lord was talking about that will betray him. So, let us embrace the cross that has been laid on our path to fulfil destiny and carry it.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for the word and letโ€™s ask for grace to carry our cross on the journey of destiny fulfillment.


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