Christ Is Enough For You


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 22.10.2023

Title: Christ Is Enough For You


And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Philippians 4:19-20 NKJV)


When I came to Germany to further my studies, the song โ€œChrist is enough for meโ€ by Hillsong Worship became my favorite song. I was listening to this song all the time: on my way to class and on my way back, at home, and during prayers and quiet time. Little did I know that the Lord was speaking to me through the song. During my studies, I experienced a lot of hardships, difficulties, and trials but the Lord comforted me, strengthened me, and kept me on my feet.

He found various ways through people and some miraculous Stipendium to provide for my needs. May His name be glorified forever! The Lord who is All-knowing already knew what I was about to experience. As a loving father, he warned me ahead and also assured me that He is always with me and so I have all that I need to go through this period of my life.

Beloved in the Lord, I know that I am not alone. There are many Believers with similar testimonies of the goodness and faithfulness of God like mine. Itโ€™s my prayer that my testimony will encourage you and help strengthen your faith to keep fighting the good fight even in your trial period. Know that if you have Christ, you have everything. The truth is that we serve a God who loves us and is very powerful and can do all things; with God all things are possible (Matt 19:26).

Therefore, it doesnโ€™t matter how worst the situation will be, as Believers, we donโ€™t give up or give in or commit suicide. We hold on to our faith to the very end. This is because we have seen our God turn situations which men thought was impossible around for the good of many Believers. Abraham and Sarah had to wait until they were about 100 years and 90 years respectively to have the son that the Lord promised them (Gen 21:5). Considering their age, men would have thought that it was impossible. Sarah herself doubted at some point (Gen 18:12). According to Science, this was impossible because Sarah had long passed her Menopause. However, when the Creator of the world speaks, Science obeys! Job lost all his children and possessions and was severely ill to the point of death, but the Lord healed him and restored everything unto him (Job 42:10). There are many testimonies of Believers of our age and mighty men in the Bible which will help encourage you.

Whenever, Iโ€™m going through trials, I always ask myself this question: what is the worst thing that can happen to me? Is it death? As a Believer, death is a great gain because it is an opportunity to meet our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Phil 1:21). Another thing that is very helpful as you go through this difficult period of your life is to develop the habit of spending regular time in the presence of God praying, studying, and meditating on His word.

Beloved in the Lord, if you are experiencing hardships and various forms of trials, know that once you have Christ, you have all that you need to successfully go through this tough period of your life. Build your faith on the testimonies of other Believers of our age and in the Bible, and at the appointed time, you will see the goodness and faithfulness of God in your life. Christ is enough for you!

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to be conscious that Christ is enough for us. Letโ€™s also ask him to comfort and strengthen those who are experiencing various trials around the world.

God bless you all


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