Confidence in God

Call To Prayer

Title: Confidence in God

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 19.09.2024


I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.( Philippians 4:13)


For every believer who truly believes in the power of God, there is an inner assurance that He is always there working things in your favour and directing your path. You go to sleep at night knowing fully well He is going to protect you and watch over you through the night(Ps 3:5). Your confidence does not come from your status, pedigree, class or rank in the society but comes from knowing that you belong to the king of the entire universe and He is always on your side.

The knowledge of God provokes confidence in us because it opens our eyes to things that we never knew and increases our faith. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had confidence in their God because of the knowledge of God that they had that He will deliver them. They refused to bow down to the idol and spoke to the king without any courtesy which many will term as rude but they were only expressing their confidence in God. At the end, God showed up and rescued them (Dan.3:16-27).

The enemy rejoices when he is able to plant fear and timidity in the life of believers. The moment people get negative medical results, fear overwhelms them instead of confronting it with the word of God with a high level of confidence. Many lose hope and allow the enemy to have a walkover. Having confidence in the ability of God is really a game changer when we are faced with pressing issues.

It is therefore wisdom to trust solely in God than put your trust in any man or in your own ability knowing fully well that man is helpless in face of circumstances if God does not intervene. His testimonies in our lives and that of others around us is a pointer to the fact that He is always faithful and never fails. Just like Abraham, our confidence in God must grow everyday no matter the prevailing circumstances.


Prayer point:

Let us thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s ask the Holy Spirit to increase our confidence in God all the days of our lives.


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