Conversations of destiny

Call To Prayer

Title: Conversations of Destiny

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 27.04.2023


Behold, while thou yet talkest there with the king, I also will come in after thee, and confirm thy words.(1 Kings 1:14 KJV)


The beginning of the manifestation of the dreams given to Joseph was put in motion when his brothers began contemplating on how to kill him and dispose of his dead body into an unknown pit where he will never be found. However, Reuben became his lawyer in that decision meeting and insisted that he should not be killed and he prevailed over the others. Reubenโ€™s intervention was divine because it preserved Joseph from destruction and set him on the course of destiny fulfillment even though nobody knew it at the time. (Gen. 37:18-22)

Many times, great decisions are made about us that impacts our lives and destinies by people who had been assigned over different areas of our lives without us knowing. This could be our parents, our spouse, our mentors/guardians, the government, superiors in the workplace, or any other person with a certain degree of authority over us.

It is important therefore that a voice be raised for us in those rooms where our matters are discussed because these decisions could make or mar our journey. In our opening text, we see the prophet Nathan having a conversation with the mother of Solomon on how they will speak to the king concerning the kingโ€™s promise about Solomon ascending the throne and how an error is being perpetuated without the kingโ€™s notice. This conversation happened without Solomon in attendance. (1 King 1:11-17)

Sometimes, the Holy Spirit converses with us through guidance and instructions to bring us into Godโ€™s will ad fulfilling destiny and at other times, He speaks to us directly through the mouth of others while having a conversation with them and He uses their vocal cords to point us in the direction of our destiny. This could be a normal conversation, rebuke, or prophecy but ultimately, it is aimed at aligning us with the purpose of God for our lives. The important thing in this conversation is to pick what the Spirit of God is saying and walk through that path.

In private conversations where we are not privileged to be in such rooms where decisions concerning our lives are made, we need the Lord to raise a voice of advocacy on our behalf that will defend us so the will of God can come to pass. This voice of defense was missing when the Lord was having a conversation with satan about Job and his faithfulness. There was no one to defend him from the suggestions of satan on how to destroy him. The subsequent events became probably the worst calamity that had ever happened to any man.


Prayer point:
Letโ€™s thank God for today. Letโ€™s pray to God to raise a voice of defense for us in places where matters of our destiny are discussed.


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