Created for Good works

Call To Prayerย 

Title: Created for Good worksย 

By: Njuacha Hubertย 

Date: 26/08/2023ย 


Forย we are his workmanship,ย created in Christ Jesusย for good works,ย which God prepared beforehand,ย that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2:10ย 


God is the master planner. His will is for His kingdom to be established on earth as it is in heaven (Mathew 6:9-13, Revelation 11:15). For the fulfilment of this plan every human He creates is created with a role to play in the progress of this grand plan; a series of tasks which He intends for you to carry out to contribute to the establishment of His kingdom on earth. Within each one there are so many talents that are intended for the effective accomplishment of these God given assignments towards kingdom establishment(Mathew 25:14-30). When you are fulfilling a God given assignment the first reward is peace and fulfilment (Mathew 11:28-30). It also guarantees and assures you that you will succeed since you are backed by God (Romans 8:31, 1 Samuel 17:45).ย 

As explained earlier we are instruments or tools in the hands of God. Since we didnโ€™t create ourselves, the only way we can fully know what we need to do on earth is to come to God. We come to God by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. After this you become a child of God and the holy spirit comes and resides in you (John 1:12, Romans 8:14). The holy spirit leads you toward your assignments per time. ย 

Now, there is a difference between just doing good and doing Godโ€™s assignment although outwardly they may look the same. The world is complex and so not all what seems good is good. God has taken part of this responsibility from us by simply instructing us per time what is truly good (short-term and long-term) through the Holy spirit. So, children of God are vulnerable to be interrupted by the spirit in them even as they go about doing what appears good (see example in Acts 16:5-6). Also, remember that in Godโ€™s sight obedience comes first before sacrifice/doing good (1 Samual 15:22, see also from (Genesis 22:1-19). Godโ€™s number one instruction is to accept Jesus Christ after which your sins are forgiven instead of thinking you can claim your righteousness by doing good (Isaiah 64:6, Romans 3:23). ย 

Idleness must be avoided to evade sin. At the time when King David saw Bathsheba bathing which led to him committing adultery, his army was out fighting and as king, he was supposed to be leading them in battle(2 Samual 11:1) . As the saying goes prevention is better than cure so it is very possible that if king David was fulfilling his duty at that time, this sin could have been avoided. If you want to accept Christ Jesus after reading this message please contact us or any believer in Christ Jesus so that they may lead you into a prayer to accept Jesus and enter into God’s kingdom and also subsequent guidance.ย 


Prayer Point: ย 

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to be busy in the Lordโ€™s work and avoid idling. ย 


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