Creation Awaits The True Sons of God


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 06.02.2022

Title: Creation Awaits The True Sons of God


For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.

(Romans 8:18-19 KJV)


God, our heavenly has great plans for all His Children and I believe the consciousness and the understanding of these plans will change our attitude towards Him and His Work. Before I proceed, we have to see God as a King and Christianity as a Kingdom and not a Religion, a Republic or a Democracy. The Word โ€œKingdomโ€ is made up of two words: โ€œKingโ€ and โ€œDomainโ€. The Domain refers to the territory where the King exerts His influence and Authority.

God is the first and the oldest King who had His Kingdom in Heaven and thatโ€™s why He is called the ancient King and the King of Glory (Psalm 24). Because every Kingdom wants to expand, the Lord also wanted to extend His Domain by creating Earth. The Plan of God is to make His Children Kings on this earth so He can rule the earth through us and thatโ€™s why He is the King of Kings (Rev 1:6, 1 Tim 6:15, Rev 17:14).

โ€œA kingdom is not a Religion, a Republic or a Democracy. A Kingdom is a governing influence of a King over His territory, impacting it with His Will, His Purpose and His Intent, producing a citizenry of people who expressed His culture and reflects His nature.โ€- Dr. Myles Munroe

The plan of God is to fill the whole earth with His Glory or nature. Man used to have the Glory of God in the Garden of Eden because God created Adam in His own image (Gen 1:26). However, when man sinned, we lost this Glory. Praise be to God, our heavenly father, who loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to pay the price for our sins and also restore unto us the Glory which we lost (John 3:16). The Lord wants people to look at us and see How He is by our character or attitude. Our Lord Jesus Christ lived such a life on this earth and thatโ€™s why the Lord plans to conform us to the image of His beloved Son (Rom 8:29).

Beloved, the Plants and Animals knew the Glory that Adam had in the Garden of Eden. Thatโ€™s why the whole creation, including the Plants and Animals are awaiting the manifestation of the true Sons of God who bears His nature. We canโ€™t save many souls and impact many lives, and there are a lot of problems in this world that we cannot solve unless we manifest as true Sons of God.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to fill the minds of all Believers in this world with the consciousness of His Kingdom. Letโ€™s also ask Him to continue to work in us and help us to manifest us true Sons of God.

God bless you all.


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