Danger of bad friends

Call to Prayer

Title: Danger of bad friends

By: Simon Nuhu Maina

Date: 20.03.2023


Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?โ€ (2 Corinthians 6:14).


Friendship is often a mutual relationship between two people who trust and share common things together. Through such mutualism; ideas, suggestions, affections, knowledge, and values are passed which establish a strong bond of influence. As human beings, we are social by virtue of creation, and thus can be influenced by tools of socialization of which friendship is one of them. Friendship for whatever reason has positive and negative consequences, depending on the people riding the boat.

The scripture reveals to us examples of toxic counsels that came from bad friends. In the old testament, we read about the story of two cousins namely Amnon and Jonadab, who were close friends. Amnon for some time had been lusting after his sister, Tamar. Jonadab being subtle, gave Amnon abominable advice that he should pretend to be ill, and request of his father, David, to send his sister Tamar to take care of him. He then applied the evil advice of Jonadab his friend to defile his own sister (2 Samuel 13:2-15). In summary, the aftermath of that unholy counsel led to Absalom killing his brother, Amnon (2 Samuel 13:28-29). Similarly, we read about the story of Haman and Mordecai. Haman was badly counselled by his friends and wife, Zeresh (Esther 5:14). They advised him to prepare gallows of fifty cubits high, in order to hang Mordecai but it came back on him(Esther 7:9); some people call it karma.

As children of God, we are strongly charged by the scripture to not be unequally yoked (bonded) with unbelievers, because most times the association leads to detrimental spiritual consequences. Nonetheless, we do not avoid or hate our ungodly colleagues, mates, or neighbors. More so, we are not to label them sinners or criticize them, rather we draw near to them in love so that, in the end, we share the saving gospel with them with a redemptive goal. However, that does not mean we should share influential-character-changing views such as politics, and ideas of the world or be comfortable having unhealthy conversations that could lead to evil communication with them (1 Corinthians 15:33), we should refrain from such by restraining our engagements once it is leading to that path. Our relationship with them should be like that of a Medical Doctor and a leprous patient.

Dearly beloved, we need to set boundaries for our friendships. For we know from the basic concept of natural laws that snakes do not birth doves. Every creature begets its kind, therefore, as saved children of God by grace, we should not expect godly support or counsel from the people of the world, nor expect righteous advice from them. They can only contribute according to what they carry.

Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word and also ask Him to help us to be wise in our choice of friends that will edify our relationship with God.


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