Dealing with Anxiety


Title: Dealing with Anxiety

By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 06.10.2024


Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

ย (Philippians 4:6-7 KJV)


Anxiety is a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come. It is very common among humans because we mostly worry about a whole lot of things. We sometimes become anxious when Childbirth, Marriage and Job take longer, when our finances are getting low or we have a debt to pay, when we have a wayward child and about our addictions. How then do we deal with these anxieties as Christians?

The main tool for dealing with anxiety is prayer. Prayer is a weapon God has given to us because it solves problems and uproots the source of problems. Majority of the problems in this world are caused by demonic spirits and we need the power of God through prayer to overcome them.

There are three different forms of prayer that the Apostle Paul in the above scriptures says can be used to combat anxiety: Prayer (asking), Supplication (praying for mercy) and Thanksgiving. When you are anxious, just determine which of the forms of prayer is appropriate at that moment and apply it. Prayer of asking is used when we need something from God (Jn 16:24, Matt 7:7). When you have a need and your need is met after prayer, your problem is taken away. So instead of us to worry, talk, mourn, and gossip about your problems, just activate the prayer of asking. We should also have a strong Faith in God that He can solve every problem.

The result of these forms of prayers is the peace of God. The peace of God is different from that of man. The peace of man is based on circumstances e.g. when there are no threats, problems, or situations. However, the peace of God is the presence of somebody (The Holy Spirit, Jn 14:26). You may be going through a lot of circumstances but when you have the presence of the Holy Spirit with you, you will experience His peace amid those circumstances. One thing that prayer does is that it brings the presence of God (Acts 4:31). David says that he will not be afraid of evil because of the presence of God (Ps 23:5).

The Peace of God will keep our hearts (Is 26:3). This peace protects our hearts and emotions because the Holy Spirit communicates with our hearts and assures us that all is well. The peace of God also keeps and guards your mind. When we receive Information, it either makes us bold or afraid but the peace of God protects our minds from the effects of bad Information.

Beloved in the Lord, you may be going through a lot of trials at the moment. However, I encourage you not to worry so much about your problems. Letโ€™s use our weapon of prayer to deal with any form of anxiety and we will surely experience the peace of God.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask God to help all believers around the world to use prayer to deal with any form of anxiety that they are experiencing.

God bless you all!


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