Defining Wisdom

Call to Prayer

Title:ย Defining Wisdomย 

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 22.09.2021ย 


Doth notย wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?….

O ye simple,ย understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.

(Pro 8:1, 5)


There is a cry from wisdom for her children to seek out her knowledge. Being in a time of history when wisdom as the principal thing will play out (Dan. 12:10), spending considerable time to understand what wisdom is and how it manifests is in itself a wise thing to do.

Many people, to give a distinction between “wisdom, knowledge and understanding”, have defined wisdom as the application of knowledge. Though this appears to be true as knowing what to do is not the same as doing it, but this definition of wisdom leaves out a large part of its manifestations. Now, the result of wisdom can be knowledge itself, for the Bible said:ย โ€œthe heart of the wise seeketh knowledge (Prov. 18:15)โ€.ย Again, in Proverbs 18:14, we hear wisdom calling herself โ€œunderstandingโ€. We see spiritual reality is considerably different from the physical ones, and its truth can stand apart from the others while still being the same with the other (Selah).ย 

With the above known, how then can we define wisdom? When the wisdom of God (Jesus Christ), manifested in the flesh, He made a statement about wisdom that should be the foundation for her identification. He said,ย โ€œwisdom is justified by its children (Matt 11:19)โ€. This means wisdom is recognised as wisdom by its fruit (end results). Building on this foundation, letโ€™s consider what wisdom is by the way it manifests.

Wisdom is Insight: Insight into kingdom mysteries was a way wisdom manifested itself through Apostle Paul. The result of this was an in-depth understanding of the new covenant which he was able to make clear to the body of Christ through his writings. This wisdom in him was recognised by Apostle Peter when he affirmed it in 2 Peter 3:15. This insight into kingdom mysteries also manifested through Apostle Peter, when He was able to rightly identify Jesus as the Christ (Matt. 16:16). There was no way Peter could get this information unless through manifestation of the spirit of wisdom in him (Job 32:8). One unique quality of the insight wisdom gives is that nothing can be added to it, nothing can be removed from it (Eccl. 3:14).ย 

Wisdom is Foresight:ย Foresight is the ability to discern what is to come, that is, the ability for one to predict future events. The wisdom of God was manifested in this form through the lives of Joseph and Daniel, who through the interpretation of dreams and vision were able to foretell future events. And by this operation, nations were preserved (Gen. 41:57). This operation of wisdom is not limited to saints of old, but an essential part of the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives. For the Lord said of Him, He shall show you things to come (John 16:13). Knowing what is to come will enable us to make adequate preparations.

Wisdom is Obedience:ย Just after Jesus Christ set out the doctrine of the New Testament Church, He said โ€œTherefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them,ย I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rockย (Matt 7:24)โ€.ย We see, by simply obeying the instructions of God, we declare ourselves to be wise. This was the key to Davidโ€™s victories, for before He went to any battle, he inquired from God. By Him obeying the instructions given, victory came cheaply to him.

In summary, wisdom is defined as insight, foresight and obedience to instructions.

Prayer Point:

ย Letโ€™s thank God for His word today and letโ€™s ask Him to impart wisdom to each and every member of the Body of Christ.


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