Deliverance from Idols

Call to Prayer
Title: Deliverance from Idols
By: Daniel Peter
Date: 09.09.2024
Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.
(1 John 5:21, NIV)
In the old covenant, the children of Israel were instructed to worship no other god apart from the Almighty (Exodus 20:4). For them, these other gods were literally carved in the image of a creature, which certain people bowed down to worship.
In the New Covenant, the instruction to keep ourselves from idols still stands (1 John 5:21). However, what God considers idols goes beyond the literal image to include anything we exalt above God in our hearts. If our desire, love, or fear for a thing or person surpasses our desire, love and fear of God, that thing becomes an idol in our hearts.
The evil of idols is that they take the worship and glory due to God. They attempt to draw believers away from total obedience to God. It’s a spirit that influences believers to esteem something more than God, often without their knowledge. Even highly anointed and fervent believers can fall prey to this hidden sin, except God reveals it to them by His mercy.
One day, I was in church when a minister who emphasized the fear of God was ministering. At one point, the Holy Spirit revealed to him that his congregation feared him (the pastor) more than God, which he announced to the church in dismay. This revelation meant that his congregation was idolizing him. Statements like “my pastor said” instead of “it is written” indicate this. When we act to please people instead of God, we are idolizing those individuals.
Another way idolatry can exist is when we have desires that stop us from submitting to God. For example, many people have specific ideas about the kind of partner they want to marry. If the Lord leads in a different direction, they resist. That desire becomes an idol in their hearts because it hinders them from doing God’s will.
Some people desire spiritual power more than God Himself. Although a desire may be good, it becomes idolatrous if it stops you from fully obeying God’s written and spoken word. The sin of idolatry is subtle, just like the sin of pride. Only God can reveal and purify us from it, and He does this when we ask Him to.
Prayer Point:
Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to purify our hearts and cleanse us from every idol.

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