Determining spiritual growth

Call To Prayer

Title: Determining spiritual growth

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 04.11.2022


“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).


Growth in the spirit has patterns that can be related to physical growth; the similarity between the two is progression. Before we go further, I would like us to consider some significant phases a child of God should observe in order to attain spiritual heights. The phases are salvation, circumcision of the heart, sanctification, and purity, Holy Ghost baptism, bearing spiritual fruits, acquiring spiritual gifts, and more… We should understand that accurate prophesies, interpretation of tongues, anointing, Faith that moves mountains, discernment in the spirit, seeing visions, revelations, etc are effective tools and attributes of spiritual breakthrough, and to some extent, they are evidence of spiritual consciousness, however, they are not true yardstick or fundamental assessment of spiritual growth. It is very possible to heal the sick and not live a life of Jesus Christ, it is also possible to cast out demons and yet live a life parallel to the life of Jesus.

It is needful to know that the only precise evaluation of spiritual maturity is by living and emulating the character of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the perfection of all things; the perfection of all prophets and saints alike. In Jesus Christ, you find the obedience of Abraham, in Him, you will find the Meekness and humility of Moses, in Him, you will find the courage of Joshua, in Him, you will find the spirit of Elijah, in Him, you will find the devotion and consecration of David, in Him, you will find the wisdom of Solomon, in Him, you will find the persistent worship of Daniel, in Him, you will find the perseverance of Apostle Paul and in Him, you will find absolutely no shortcomings or weaknesses of all the prophets. Therefore, it is far better and safer to look unto someone with a combination of all spiritual abilities than aspire to live like one of the prophets or saints with proven weaknesses.

It is, therefore, not wrong to aspire to be like one of the prophets or saints of old, but we should kindly know that doing so will limit and demote the powerful resources available to us. The prophets lived and acted according to the resources available to them, and they performed excellently well. But what will be said of us? with the overwhelming opportunities that are given to us to do more than them. Dearly beloved, in every situation we find ourselves in, we should endeavor to ask ourselves these important questions: How will Jesus behave or answer in my condition? will Jesus be proud of this decision I am making?

Prayer point:

Let us thank God for the word today and also ask Him to help us to always look unto Jesus at all times.


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