Develop The Ability To Hear


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 12.03.2023

Title: Develop The Ability To Hear


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.ย (John 10:27-28 NKJV)


There was a great man who is regarded as the father of Faith and a friend of God. This man had to wait for about 25 years in order to receive the son the Lord promised him. He remained faithful to the Lord until this promise was fulfilled, and he was 100 years old at that time. One day, the Lord tested his Faith by asking him to sacrifice this beloved son and he obeyed and was ready to do so. As he was about to sacrifice his son, the Lord through His Angel spoke to Him and commanded him not to kill his son and that he had passed the test of Faith. This great man is Abraham (Gen 22).

Whenever I read this story in the Bible, the question that always comes to mind is what if Abraham didnโ€™t hear the message from the Lord to stop killing Isaac? He would have killed his son and later blame the Lord for being wicked while the main cause was his inability to hear. I believe that our inability to hear from the Lord and our lack of discernment as Christians have done more harm to our lives and the Body of Christ as a whole.

Whenever I go out to evangelize, I interact with a lot of unbelievers, including those who used to be believers but are no more in the Faith because of what they experienced. I realized that most of these people are hurt because they believed the Lord for something and it didnโ€™t go as they expected, or they didnโ€™t receive the answers at their expected time. Some blame the Lord for allowing their mother or father to die of Cancer, some blame Him for allowing Wars that led to the loss of many lives, and many other reasons.

However, what if the Lord spoke to these people before or during their Crisis, but they couldnโ€™t hear? We will then lay all the blame on God because thatโ€™s the easiest thing to do. There are some things that we may not be able to stop, for example, the death of someone when his or her time on this earth is up. However, I believe that there are so many problems that we could have dealt with if we had a good knowledge of Kingdom Principles and the ability to hear from the Lord (Hos 4.6).

How many Believers even ask the Lord before they make their decisions? When we do things our own way and it results in calamity, we blame the Lord for it. It is important to know that the fact that maybe you got a visa to travel abroad does not always mean that was the will of God for you. We need to develop our ability to hear from the Lord in order to know His Will for us. Also, everyone cannot hear exactly like someone who is called into the Prophetic Office but all of us have the ability to hear from God (John 10:27).

Beloved in the Lord, the Lord is always speaking to us. He uses different ways to speak to us, but we are not able to hear him because we are not sensitive to the Spirit and have not developed our ability to hear. This has done more harm to us and the Body of Christ and so it is time we started developing our ability to hear from the Lord. This is because His Sheep hears Him. Are you part of His Flock?

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to help all Believers to develop their Discernment and the ability to hear from Him.

God bless you all



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