Divine Acceleration


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 27.11.2022

Title: Divine Acceleration


Then the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah; and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.

(1 Kings 18:46 NKJV)


Basic Science defines โ€œAccelerationโ€ as the rate at which Velocity/Speed changes with Time. When you are driving a car and you want to go faster, you step harder on the rightmost Pedal (Accelerator). This increases the Velocity of the Car so you can cover a longer distance within a shorter time. However, in Divine Acceleration, God is the one who initiates the process. He is the one who steps on the Accelerator!

The Lord is glorious in power and when His mighty hand which represents His Power comes upon you, it accelerates every area of your life (Ex 15:6). When the hand of God comes upon you, the impossibility becomes possible. When the hand of God comes upon you, nothing can limit or delay your progress, miracle, and manifestation. When the hand of God came upon Elijah, it accelerated him, and he was able to run past King Ahab who was sitting on a Chariot (1 Kgs 18:46).

Abraham and Sarah have been waiting for about 25 years to have a Child. When the hand of God came upon them, weakness due to old age on the part of Abraham couldnโ€™t stop him from becoming the father of many nations. Also, Menopause couldnโ€™t stop Sarah from becoming a mother. Abraham and Sarah were able to have a child at the age of hundred and eighty respectively (Gen 21).

The woman with the issue of Blood has been suffering from uncontrolled blood flow for about twelve years but when She touched the fringe of Jesusโ€™ Garment, the Power of God caused the blood flow to completely cease instantly (Luke 8:43-48).

It is very important to know that although God causes Divine Acceleration in every area of our lives, He does that in His own time. His time is the best and the fastest. Godโ€™s time is different from our time (2 Pet 3:8). We may receive answers to some prayers instantly in accordance with the time and Will of God but not all answers will manifest instantly.

The problem with most Believers is that, when the answers to their prayers donโ€™t manifest instantly, they begin to think that the Lord has not heard them, and they give up. However, we must have Faith in God just as Abraham and Sarah did and in due time, we will see the manifestation of the promise of God in our lives.

Beloved in the Lord, the hand of God which represents His Power and Authority initiates Divine Acceleration in every area of our lives. It makes all impossibilities become possible. However, the Lord works in His own time which is different from our time. Letโ€™s, therefore, trust in His timing and remain faithful to the end.

Prayer Point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His Word today. Letโ€™s ask the Lord to accelerate every area in the lives of all Believers. Letโ€™s also ask Him to help all Believers to remain faithful to the end.

God bless you all


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