Divine Creatures

Call to Prayer

Title:ย Divine Creatures

By:ย Daniel Peter

Date:ย 17.11.2021


They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said,ย Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

(Psa 82:5-7 KJV)


There is a silent fear among Christians to believe and accept what we truly are in Christ. Any time a mention is made of our position and relation with the Godhead among Christians, there is a resistance to believe and a form of suspicion for the one that declares the truth. This attitude is not far from the fear of suffering the same judgement as the devil, whose sin was that he thought to be like God (Isaiah 14:14). Again, God declaring in Isaiah 42:8 that He does not share His glory with any man, and out of supposed fear of Him, Christians shy away from anything or anyone that tries try to declare them gods. This attitude has a great consequence, for it limits the transformation of the believer (which is a function of our ability to accept the truth). Therefore, this attitude needs to be addressed.ย 

Firstly, let me address the fear of not suffering the condemnation of the devil by accepting our divine attributes. There was nowhere in scriptures where it was recorded that God created Lucifer or any of the angels in His likeness. Therefore, Lucifer harbouring the ambition of being like the most High was an unholy ambition and a demonstration of self will, therefore the judgment he received. For man, the declaration of intent by God at His creation revealed that He wanted man to be in His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26). This means He wanted man to resemble Him in character, power and in the way He operates etc. So, for a man to desire to be like God is not self-exaltation, but He is coming into Godโ€™s original plan for him, which is pleasing before God.ย 

To further understand the Truth of our oneness with God, letโ€™s consider what was said in the bible about Adamโ€™s son Seth. In Genesis 5:3, the bible records that Adam โ€œ..begat a son in his ownย likeness, after hisย image; and called his name Seth:โ€œ.ย The words likeness and image used in this verse is the same as those used in Genesis 1:26 when it was about God and man. Therefore, in the same way, the son of a man has the same nature and essence as the man, man is of the same essence and nature of God. But this reality is in our spirit, and it can only be worked out (made visible) when we believe (Phil. 2:12).

Now, addressing the fear of not sharing the glory of God. Itโ€™s good I start here by referring us to Jesusโ€™ prayer for His disciples in John 17. In verse 22 of that chapter, Jesus saidย โ€œAnd the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:โ€.ย We see God did not share His glory with us, rather, He gave us His glory. Despite He has given us His glory, it is still His. If we keep acknowledging that what we have is from Him, we are not sharing His glory, but acknowledging Him as the source of what we have (giving the glory back to Him). We fully utilise what He has given by walking in them.ย 

With the above known, I believe it will be easier for the readers of todayโ€™s Call to Prayer that as He is God, so are we gods. As He is divine, so are we divine. As He is supernatural, so are we supernatural. And the best part of it is that it is a reality that exists now, for the bible saysย โ€œ… as He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)โ€.ย 

Prayer Pointย 

Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s ask Him to increase the capacity of every believer to be able to believe and receive His Truth.

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