Divine plan and arrangement

Call to Prayer

Title: Divine plan and arrangement

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 24.08.2023


I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I, theย Lord, do all these thingsย  (Isaiah 45:7)


God Almighty in His sovereign wisdom and unsearchable knowledge created all things to serve a purpose. Visible and invisible, earthly and heavenly (Colossians 1:16). He created them all to serve His pleasureย  (revelations 4:11). Human beings as the apex of all the works of His hands have been specially made to be a replica of His glory and will in the physical realm called Earth. However, the exalted privilege given to man does not exempt him from the original intention of God’s creation as ”pleasure”. Although all other earthly creatures were made subject to the dominion of man (Genesis 1:26), God has eternal interest in man that comes with divine plan and arrangement.

In the ways of God, all things serve a purpose; both evil and good (Proverbs 16:4). In His superior program, evil people and things fulfill some assignments/tasks even though He does not always approve or justify them. Insufficient comprehension of God’s ways and mind could tempt one to think that the ways of God are controversial. God Himself hardened the heart of Pharaoh (Exodus 7:3), He approved the Kingship of Nebuchadnezzar (Jeremiah 43:10) to punish Egypt and others. In His mercy and patience, He could be silent even when His elects are tortured or humiliated by wicked people or plaques of life. Nevertheless, that does not mean He forsakes or abandons them. In fact, it is out of His good will that He allows evil days or situations to befall His children so that His children will learn, grow and conquer their fleshly infirmities/lusts. We need to also accept that, God’s definition of goodness does not always translate to favorable or convenient pleasures in the flesh.

Dearly beloved, whatever stage or phase of life you are currently in, whether comfortable, hard, soft, happy, troublous times,ย  just know that it has been divinely arranged and planned by God for His good pleasure (Romans 8:28). Nonetheless, this is not an outright endorsement to intentional irresponsibility, deliberate laziness, poor choices, passionate ignorance, inadequate plans or persistent bad character. In conclusion, God is the potter and you are the clay, as the clay cannot tell the potter into what shape or size, or texture he will be made, so it is also between you and God. All He requires from you is absolute obedience, submission, trust and collaboration for His glory to manifest through you.

Prayer point:

Let’s thank God for today’s message and also ask Him to help trust in His plans for our earthly journey


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