Doing Good

Call to Prayer

Title: Doing Good

By: Simon Maina Nuhu

Date: 18.02.2022


”As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith”(Galatians 6:10)


The act of doing good is the very nature of the Almighty God. In fact, God is super good to both the wicked and the righteous because that is His attribute. He makes the sun to shine on everyone regardless of their commitment to Him. Despite all the atrocities of men on the face of the Earth, He still showersย  love and care. The Love of God paves way for us to enjoy the full scale of His unending goodness that is unmerited. God further demonstrated His goodness by granting us the grace which is Jesus Christ, who came as an atonement for our sins as the scripture says ”while we were yet sinners Christ died for our sins”. That perfect display of His goodness (grace) at Calvary has given us unlimited access to God through Christ and now we can confidently ask for healing, success, Salvation, deliverance etc and it will be granted unto us by Faith.

As children of God, we are therefore required to show the world the nature of God by how much good we can do to people around us. The life we live is a book read by people around us; our reactions to their problems which we can assist is likewise closely observed. Things are not easy in general for everybody, nonetheless, we can endeavor to offer assistance in the little way we can with love. A hungry neighbor needs food and in this kind of situation we ought to share even the little to them. We should not just say God bless you or let’s pray to a need that we can solve as this clearly is not Christlike.

Jesus Christ while on Earth always identified with the needy with humility thus setting us a beautiful example and also the Apostles who devoted themselves to the service of God and the people. The truth is, the cares and problems of this life never end.ย  However, we should overcome the influence of self and ego so that we render help to not just people we know. Everyday is a great opportunity to get rewarded by God for being willing to do good. I pray that God will help us to be a blessing to other people in their time of need.

prayer points:

Let’s thank God for the word today. Let’s also ask him to give us the willing and soft heart to always consider other peoples predicaments.


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