Doing the Word

Call To Prayer

Title: Doing the Word

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 14.4.2022


The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach, (Acts 1:1 KJV)


While our Lord Jesus was on earth, He set for us an eternal standard on how to live a victorious life and to please the Father. Every word he heard from the Father was first for him. Every encounter was first personal before it was shared with either his disciples, in the synagogues or with the multitude that followed him everywhere. One of the demonstration of living by the word was him ministering deliverance to the captives. By doing this, he was fulfilling one of his cardinal assignment that was prophesied many years before his emergence on earth in Luke 4:18. After living this experience, he then taught His disciples how to subdue demons and heal the sick by giving them power and authority(Luke 9:1-2).

When he told the devil in the wilderness that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God(Luke 4:4), he was referring to total obedience to the will of the Father which he himself characterised. So, from the abundance of his obedience and love for the Father, he then teaches the people around him. No wonder he asked the sons of Zebedee in Matt. 20:22 that are they able to drink of the cup that he shall drink? It was because, he was first a doer of the will of Father.

Continual hearing of the word of God produces faith in our heart (Rom. 10:17) which is a basic level in our relationship with the Father. We graduate to a higher level when we begin to do that which he hasย  commanded or which we have heard of him. It demonstrates that the love of the Father in us has increased and this has furnished us to be responsible in knowing him experientially.

As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, we must graduate to this higher plane of relationship by being doers of the word which our Lord had set such examples for us to follow.

Prayer point:
Letโ€™s pray that the Father will empower us by His Spirit to be continual doers of the word and to obey His will always.

God bless you!


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