Don’t Be A Castaway


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 24.09.2023

Title: Don’t Be A Castaway


But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. (1 Corinthians 9:27 KJV)


On Tuesdays I normally meet the Youth in my Church in the Evening for Bible Studies via ZOOM. In order to make it on time, I stay a bit late at the office. I’m usually the last person to leave the office on Tuesdays. Last Tuesday, we had a glorious Bible Studies by the Grace of God.

As I was leaving the office, a thought came into my mind, and I began talking to myself. I began talking to myself that, “Stephen, upon all these sacrifices, don’t be a castaway”. I remembered the statement Apostle Paul made in his letter to the Church in Corinth where he said he disciplined his Body so that after preaching to others, he himself will not be a castaway (1 Cor 9:27).

Most Believers have sacrificed a lot for the sake of the Kingdom of God. Some have sacrificed their family, wealth, time, comfort, pleasure, etc. for the Kingdom’s sake. We know that the Lord is faithful, and He will surely reward us for all our efforts and sacrifices (1 Cor 15:58). However, if we don’t take care and discipline our bodies, some sinful acts and pleasures which may start little can end up taking us away from the presence of God. It will be very sad that upon all these sacrifices and we stand before the Lord Jesus only for Him to say He never knew us because of our iniquities (Matt 7:21-23).

Therefore, we have to discipline our Body and bring it into subjection so that it doesn’t control our lives. It is very important to know that as a man, you are a Spirit Being. You have a Soul and live in a Body. Man is made up of the Spirit, Soul, and Body (1 Thess 5:23). When you come to Christ, your Spirit becomes Born Again and the Holy Spirt comes to live inside it (Ez 36:26-27, Jn 3:6).

The Soul is made up of the Mind, Will and Emotions and it takes time to be saved. As you are studying and being taught the word of God, it takes time to renew your mind and subject your Will to that of the Lord (James 1:21). The Body on the other hand will be saved on the day when our Lord Jesus returns, and we are being clothed with new Bodies (1 Cor 15:35-49). That’s why it is believed that Salvation has been (Spirit), Salvation is being done (Soul) and Salvation will be done (Body).

Until then, we have to live with this Body by putting it under control. One famous man of God said that “living with your Body is like living with a dangerous Beast at home which if not well tamed, will end up destroying you”. As Believers, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength to control the Body and bring it into subjection (Gal 5:22).

Beloved in the Lord, most of us have sacrificed a lot for the Kingdom’s sake and the Lord will reward us accordingly. Let’s therefore discipline and control our Body so we don’t end up living in iniquity and become Castaways.

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His Word today. Let’s ask the Lord to help all Believers to be able to control their Bodies and bring it into subjection so we don’t become Castaways.

God bless you all


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