Don’t be Deceived

Call To Prayer
Title: Don’t be Deceived

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 14.08.2024
Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly. John 7:24 NIV
Many years ago, I was listening to someone I consider a father in the faith. He made a statement that startled me when preaching about the need to watch against heresies. He said, “Don’t be deceived by their anointing.” I was so surprised by his statement and wondered how one can be deceived by the anointing, which is a gift of God. Over time, I have found his admonition to be true.
Many people are deceived into thinking that because one is anointed and operates in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, all that he says or does must be correct. This kind of mindset puts them in a position where they can be swayed away from the faith by the heresies of one who is anointed. Now, the fact that one is anointed is a sign that that person has been with God, but not a sign that he or she is still with God.
Balaam was a man of God who had a true gift of prophecy. He was a non-Jewish prophet who prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ and spoke about the future of Israel (Numbers 23-24). Yet, he was referred to as a soothsayer who pioneered a way that leads away from Christ (Joshua 13:22, 2 Peter 2:15). His anointing was true, but his practices were not in line with the word.
Again, we should be careful not to be deceived by a person’s reputation of righteousness. Many ministers of God have presented themselves to their congregation as people who hate sin and love righteousness. Though these attributes are good, they can be a basis of deception if the congregation is led to believe that all he says and does are correct because of it. If a minister is using his righteousness to make you believe what he says is true, he has a wrong motive and is out to deceive.
The Berean Christians were commended as noble because they went to search the scriptures to see if what Apostle Paul was saying was true (Acts 17:11). They did not assume Apostle Paul was right just because he was anointed and a righteous man. This is what every Christian should do. Our basis of judgment must be the word, not appearance.
Deception is strongest when the vessel through which it comes thinks it is the truth. But by the word, we are able to discern this and reject the evil and accept that which is good.
Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to give us wisdom to judge righteously and not by appearance.


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