Don’t Depend on Your Wisdom

Call to Prayer

Title: Don’t Depend on Your Wisdom

By: Daniel Peter

Date: 28.08.2023


Don’t depend on your own wisdom. Respect the Lord and refuse to do wrongย  Prov. 3:7 NCV


The book of Ezekiel records the statements contained in God’s judgement of the Prince of Tyler (Eze. 28). That account contains a revelation of the dimension of wisdom God entrusted to him. In His speech, God said the prince of Tyler was wiser than Daniel, indicating the greatness of the wisdom he had.

Daniel was a man God used to do great exploits in Babylon, and wisdom was the unique equipping he received from God for the fulfilment of His assignment. The manifestation of this wisdom was seen in his ability to interpret dreams and visions, and it caused him to exhibit excellence in his administrative duties. Despite the depth of wisdom Daniel manifested, the Prince of Tyler was said to possess more wisdom than Daniel. In fact, no secret was hidden from him and with the wisdom he made lots of riches. Despite he excelled Daniel in wisdom, his outcome was destruction, because God found fault in him. However, Daniel remained faithful to God till the end.

As with the prince of Tyler and Daniel, so it was with Solomon and David. Solomon was entrusted with more wisdom than those before and after him, meaning that he was wiser than David his father. Despite the magnitude of his wisdom, he turned away from God while David was considered faithful by God for he was said to be a man after God’s heart (1 Sam 13:14, 1 King. 11:1-13). Why didn’t the wisdom of the prince of Tyler and Solomon profit them in their relationship with God despite the greatness of it? They lacked the fear of God.

Wisdom, along side every other spiritual gift, ceases to profit if the fear of God isn’t your foundation. Lucifer was described as being full of Wisdom (Eze. 28:12), yet he became the devil. Depending on a gift would turn your heart from God. But those with the fear of God will always excel and be established ( Psalm 19:9). His instruction for the new testament Church is to love as He has loved us (John 13:34).

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask Him to help us walk in His fear and Hisย wisdom


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