Don’t Normalize Sin

Call To Prayer

Title: Don’t Normalize Sin

By: Njuacha Hubert

Date: 05.10.2024


ย โ€œA little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.โ€ย  Galatians 5:9 NIV

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes. ย  Song of Solomon 2:15ย  KJV


Beloved in Christ there is not a tree that did not start from a seed. How then can we minimise a seed? In the same way, sin grows and metamorphosises into greater sin when not addressed. One can start with just a habit of telling lies, tomorrow it turns into a stealing habit, and later it is money laundering. Thatโ€™s why we canโ€™t minimise sin in our lives or those we are entrusted to help. It has to be addressed at that small stage before it becomes difficult to handle. Worst still is that sin hardens the heart and increases Pride and as a result of this pride you could, by yourself, give up your salvation by no longer believing in Jesus Christ.ย 

As believers in Christ we may fall into sin from time to time for the bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). However the word also says the one who in Christ cannot go on deliberately sinning because the Spirit of God is in them (1 John 3:9). Nonetheless the Spirit of God does not control us but rather seeks to direct us (Romans 8:14). That means He requires our submission or cooperation. He is a gentle Spirit (1 Kings 19:12-13). If we then choose by our free will not to take heed to his admonitions continuously then there is a possibility for the Spirit to leave just as He left King Saul (1 Samuel 16:14). That way you can go on sinning freely because there will no more be the Holy Spirit to convict you, but now be ready to face the wrath of God at any time (Hebrews 10:26-27).ย  In effect, you are actually the one who sends the Spirit away by denouncing Jesus Christ which can be demonstrated by your actions without even being uttered by your lips (Titus 1:16).

What then must we do, not get to a point where we drive the Holy Ghost from our temple completely? As earlier said we cannot minimise sin. That’s why Saint Paul made that statement in Galatians 5:9. He meant that although it might seem like circumcision was a trivial thing if they believed that was a condition for them to be saved then it applies to a whole lot of other works of the Law. Therefore he had to address it decisively. So when we sin we must repent again and again but it does not end there; we are to seek grace and understanding through prayer and the word to outgrow that sin. We are to live according to the Spirit so that we bear its fruits of righteousness. We are to seek to grow in faith and wisdom.


Prayer Point

Letโ€™s thank God for the word today. Letโ€™s pray for the grace to recognise sin in our lives and not minimize it but seek grace and wisdom to outgrow it.ย 


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