Don’t Walk In Darkness


By: Stephen Osei Kuffour

Date: 18.02.2024

Title: Don’t Walk In Darkness


Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

(Psalm 119:105 NKJV)


Once upon a time there lived people who loved the light. As soon as the sun rose every morning, they were up to welcome it, singing songs of celebration for the light. They did not love the darkness. The greatest wish of these people was that the sun would not set in the evening, that darkness would never fall. However, every day the sun set, and they sang sad songs, and they endured the fearful, sad, strange darkness until they could greet the sun again the next day.

We are living in a world full of darkness (Is 60). Most people have rejected the Lord and His word to follow their own evil ways. The evil one has also successfully deceived and blinded many (2 Cor 4:4). However, in the minds of these people, they think that they are woke and fully alive. They think that they have advanced in Science and Technology and so they know best. Little do they know that they are blind and walking in darkness.

The word of God is a light that can brighten the whole world and cause men to see and walk in the truth (Ps 119:105, Jn 14:6, Jn 8:12). The word of God should therefore be our guide and should direct us in everything we do. Let’s live by the word and not by worldly principles, proverbs, or wise sayings. Without the word, we will be walking in darkness. There is therefore high possibility that we will stumble and fall. We will make bad decisions and judgements if we are not guided by the word. Without the word, we will easily be deceived.

The truth is that the Lord uses His word to guide us and order our steps to the area where He has called us to fulfill our purpose (2 Tim 3:16-17). Kingdom principles like forgiveness and the blessings that come with giving generously can all be found in the word (Luke 6:37, Prov 28:27). As Christians, without the knowledge of the truth in the word, we cannot enjoy the full inheritance we have in Christ because we will not even be aware of them (Gal 4:1).

Let’s therefore spend time to grow in our knowledge of the word by reading, studying, learning, listening to messages and meditating on the word. Let’s not just be listeners of the word deceiving ourselves but let’s be doers of the word (Js 1:22). This is because just listening to the word without applying it to our lives will not have any impact on our lives. However, when we live by the word, we become living epistles and so our lives will be a shining light that could lead those who are living in darkness to the truth (Matt 5:14-16).

Beloved in the Lord, the world is full of darkness because the enemy has blinded many and caused them to live in deception. The word of God is a light that can brighten the world and lead many to the truth. As Believers, let’s always desire to grow in our knowledge of the word. Let’s also live by the truth in the word so that our lives will lead others to the truth. The word is light! Don’t walk in darkness!

Prayer Point:

Let’s thank God for His word today. Let’s ask God to give all Believers the hunger and desire for His word.

God bless you all


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