Dying in Christ

Call To Prayer

Title: Dying in Christ

By: Wale Lasisi

Date: 11.04.2024

Then said Thomas which is called Didymus, unto his fellow-disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.

( John 11:16)

The book of prophet Ezekiel offers us a view into a reality that exist in God which because it seems unpleasant, majority in this generation have attributed it to the workings of the devil. It is a bitter truth and by this, I am referring to the dealings of God in the life of a believer.

God wanted to make a statement to the house of Israel about his intentions for them and decided to use the life of the prophet as a template. First, he became dumb and could only speak if he has to prophesy( Eze. 3:26-27 ), then he had to lie on his left side for three hundred and ninety days and bear the iniquity of Israel for those days, then his wife had to die amongst many other things he went through. This was only possible because he was already dead to himself and only lived for God. It will be scarce in our days to see some one embrace this level of dealings from God.

So, walking with God requires dying to self and dying with Jesus. That nothing else will hold any significant value more than the plans and purposes of God that He wants to achieve and we are willing to go no matter the cost. This was what Thomas was saying in our opening text while charging his other fellow disciples. That since Jesus was a wanted man in Bethany and some Jews are already seeking to kill him, they should go with him so they can die together and they went with the hope of dying with the master.

For the believer, the prerogative of what to do with the vessel depends largely with the Lord, who is the Potter and if the vessel is not willing to be broken down, crushed or die with Jesus to manifest Godโ€™s power and glory, then the purposes of God might tarry and God might start looking for another man(Eze. 22:30). To do serious business with God, all fleshly desires might need to die like Abraham had to let go of his emotional attachment to his adorable son Isaac as they journeyed for him to be sacrificed. This involves grace but must be embraced when given.

Prayer point:

Letโ€™s thank God for His word today. Let us ask for grace to die to self so God can manifest His purposes upon the earth.


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