Eating the word

Call To Prayer

Title: “Eating the word”

Date: 30/01/2023

By: Njuacha Hubert


“Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,โ€ ย 1 Peter 2:2


There is a saying โ€œYou are what you itโ€. And most people say it referring to people reflecting the food they eat. But isnโ€™t the word of God also food? So what happens when you eat the word of God? In many parts of scripture, you see prophets eating scrolls in visions and those scrolls represent the word of God. Jeremiah said, โ€œwhen your words came, I ate them, they were my joy and my heart’s delight โ€ฆโ€ย (Jeremiah 15:16). What does it mean to eat the word of God. It means to know it, to experience it, to live it, and see it work. โ€œTaste and see that the Lord is goodโ€ Psalms 34:8.

I once approached a beautiful sister in Christ and she knowingly or unknowingly snubbed me. Then I thought to myself ย “if she knew me she would like me”.
You canโ€™t just love someone you donโ€™t know (unless of course, by faith you see Jesus in them). When you start knowing the person you may start falling in love with the person. It can be knowing the personโ€™s external beauty. It can be (and more importantly; because it hardly fades) knowing the personโ€™s virtues.ย Thatโ€™s how it is with Jesus. Similarly, you can’t also just love Him if you don’t know Him. But who is Jesus? where is He? He is the word incarnate (John 1:14).ย As we know the word more, we know Him more because He is the word, and when we know and experience Him more, then we start to fall in love with Him too and it becomes easier to obey Him. ย To see this letโ€™s consider John 21: 15-18.ย Jesus fed Peter and some other disciples with roasted fish and bread(also symbolically representing the word) and after they had finished eating,ย Jesus asked Peter three times something like โ€œDo you love meโ€, and each time Peter answered with an answer that inferred a yes, then Jesus told him to feed His sheep. Through this, Jesus also shows us how to attain grace to live the new commandment: โ€œLove one another as I have loved youโ€.
In order to love others, we have to come to the realization of Jesusโ€™s love, embrace it and eat it well! Then we are empowered to love others. How do we know this love? Through eating the word of God, experiencing it, and spending time with Him in prayers. How do you think Abraham got to the point where he could sacrifice his son? Think about the experiential knowledge he had had with God before coming to that point.

Prayer Point:ย 
Let’s pray for a hunger for a His word so that we too can know Him and become more like Him.


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